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fa·bi·an I. \ˈfābēən\ adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin fabianus, from Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator died 203 B.C. Roman dictator and general + Latin -anus -an 1. a. : of, relating to, or in the manner of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus who defeated Hannibal in the Second Punic War by avoiding decisive contests and harassing him by marches and countermarches b. : notably conservative and cautious in making advances or changes 2. [Fabian (Society); from the members' belief in slow orderly rather than revolutionary change in government] : being or belonging or relating to a society of socialists organized in England in 1884 to spread socialistic principles gradually II. noun (-s) Usage: usually capitalized : a member of or sympathizer with the Fabian Society of socialists |