释义 |
re·peat·er \rə̇ˈpēd.ə(r), rēˈp-, -pētə-\ noun (-s) : one that repeats: as a. : one who relates or recites < a repeater of old stories and ballads > b. : a watch or clock with a striking mechanism that upon pressure of a spring will indicate the time in hours and quarters or sometimes minutes c. : a rifle or shotgun having a magazine that holds a number of cartridges that are loaded shot by shot into the firing chamber by the operation of the action of the piece d. (1) : an arrangement for receiving signals from one telegraph line and retransmitting corresponding signals into another line (2) : a vacuum-tube or electronic amplifier inserted at proper intervals in long-distance telephone or television transmission lines and capable of delivering to the line an amplified copy of the received message e. : recidivist f. : one who votes again in an election : floater 3a g. : a pennant used to repeat a flag above it in signal hoist so that no two flags in one hoist are the same h. : a gyrocompass device having a compass card and lubber's line and receiving electrically the indications from the master compass — called also gyro repeater i. : a performer (as an animal or athlete) who duplicates or repeats a feat j. : a member of a theatrical audience who has attended a previous performance of the same production k. : a student enrolled in a grade, class, or course for the second or a subsequent time l. : a trough-shaped semicircular horizontal guide in a rolling mill to deflect the rod from one pass into the next |