释义 |
rep·li·ca·tion \ˌrepləˈkāshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English replicacioun, from Middle French replication, from Late Latin replication-, replicatio, from Latin, action of folding back, from replicatus (past participle of replicare to fold back) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. a. : answer, reply < what replication should be made by the son of a king — Shakespeare > b. (1) : an answer to a reply : rejoinder < by way of replication to your answer — O.W.Holmes †1935 > (2) : a plaintiff's or complainant's reply in matters of fact to a defendant's plea, answer, or counterclaim (3) Roman law : a plaintiff's reply to a defendant's exceptio 2. : echo, reverberation < trembled underneath her banks to hear the replication of your sounds made in her concave shores — Shakespeare > 3. a. : copy, reproduction < a home conceived as a replication of a medieval castle > b. : the act or action of reproducing < half-plate and addressing machine methods of replication — Library Science Abstracts > 4. : repetition of an experiment or procedure at the same time and place; especially : a systematic or random repetition of agricultural test rows or plats to reduce error (as due to variation in soil) |