

单词 fall
释义 fall
I. \ˈfȯl\ verb
(fell \ˈfel\ ; fall·en \ˈfȯlən also in poetry & sometimes +V in prose -ln\ ; also dialect fell ; falling ; falls)
Etymology: Middle English fallen, from Old English feallan; akin to Old Frisian & Old Norse falla to fall, Old Saxon & Old High German fallan, and perhaps to Lithuanian pulti to fall, Old Prussian au-pallai he finds, Armenian p'ul fall, plunge
intransitive verb
  (1) : to descend by the force of gravity when freed from suspension or support : drop
   < the rain falls >
   < ripe fruit falling off a tree >
  (2) : to pass downward in a certain direction : drop in a guided descent
   < the water falls over the ledge >
   < the mercury falls in the thermometer >
   < the lash fell on his shoulders >
  (3) : to hang freely : extend downward
   < her hair falls loosely >
   < his cloak falls from his shoulders >
  (4) : to let oneself down usually swiftly and suddenly to a sitting, reclining, or kneeling position
   < she fell on the window seat by the coat closet and began to sob — Louis Auchincloss >
   < I was her slave; I fell at her feet — A.W.Long >
  sometimes : to leap from a great height
   < the column was popular with suicides, some of whom fell to their death before the top was enclosed in a cage — Sydney (Australia) Bulletin >
  (1) : to become born — now usually used of lambs
  (2) : to drop to a lower degree
   < the temperature fell >
   or level
   < blood pressure fell to 140 systolic >
  (3) : to decrease in volume of sound : drop in pitch
   < his voice fell >
   < the music rose and fell >
  (4) : issue — used of speech
   < the excellent advice that fell from his lips >
  (5) : to come or come to pass as if by falling
   < an ominous stillness fell upon the room >
   < night fell upon the village >
   < a heavy vengeance fell upon the rebels >
  (6) : to become lowered — used of a glance or the eyes
 a. : to drop suddenly and involuntarily
  < fall down on the ice >
  < slipped and fell heavily to the ground >
  (1) : to enter as if blindly or unawares into a dangerous or undesirable state or situation : stumble, stray — used with in or into
   < fell into the enemy ambush >
   < falling into the moral snares of a great city >
   < fell into grave doctrinal errors >
   < the novel falls into a cloying sentimentality >
  (2) of a structure : to collapse especially in fragments
   < many houses fell as a result of the earthquake >
   < the building fell of its own weight >
  (3) : to drop to the ground wounded or dead
   < men were falling all about him under the enemy fire >
  especially : to die in battle
   < the fallen included numerous officers >
   < fell in the first skirmish of the war >
  (4) : to suffer destruction, capture, or total military defeat : collapse
   < scholars still argue about why the Roman Empire fell >
   < the city fell after a siege of many months >
  (5) : to lose office especially as a result of an adverse parliamentary vote — used of a government or ministry
   < the coalition government fell after only 6 months in office >
  (6) : to suffer ruin, defeat, or failure : fail utterly
   < we will stand or fall together >
   — used chiefly of projects or undertakings and in the phrase fall through
   < your paper's falling through for no money and you want me to give you some? — Josephine Johnson >
   < I do not remember why the deal fell through — A.L.Guérard >
  (7) : lapse, expire : perish, disappear
   < the conversation fell for a few minutes — Arnold Bennett >
   < his anger suddenly fell >
   — often used with away
   < if you have some other witness … this difficulty will fall away — Farmer's Weekly (South Africa) >
  (8) card games : to become played — used of a card whose holder must legally though unwillingly play it
  (9) cricket, of a wicket : to become lost by the dismissal of a batsman
   < the first wicket fell with 50 runs on the board >
 c. : to yield to temptation : commit an immoral act
  < if falling were all that ever happened to a good man, all his days would he a simple matter of striving and repentance — Owen Wister >
 especially : to lose one's chastity
  (1) of a river : to flow down : debouch, empty — used with into
   < the rivers that fall into the sea >
  (2) : to move or extend in a generally downward direction
   < the land falls to a river >
   — often used with away
   < the ridge falls away quickly where it approaches the sea — Norman Cousins >
   < the ground falling away from the highest point — Osbert Lancaster >
  (1) : to cease to be violent : subside, abate
   < the flames rose and fell >
   < the wind fell >
   : ebb
   < the falling tide >
  (2) : to decline in quality, character, activity, or quantity
   < the party's representation in the legislature fell from seven seats to six >
   < after his book on the circulation of the blood came out … he fell mightily in his practice — John Aubrey >
   < greater increases would merely influence traffic to fall more sharply — Collier's Year Book >
   < how low can a man fall >
   — often used with off or away
   < the tourist trade fell off markedly in January — R.F.Warner >
   < the play falls off toward the end >
   < his work fell off badly >
   < subscriptions fell away — C.L.R.James >
   < the poem does not fall away from its opening line — Oscar Cargill >
  (3) : to lose physical tone, condition, or weight : become wasted — usually used with off or away
   < the cattle have fallen off badly in the drouth >
   < you'd scarcely believe anybody could fall off so rapidly — Ellen Glasgow >
   < she's fallen away terribly >
  (4) : to assume a look of shame, disappointment, or dejection — used of the face
   < his face fell >
  (5) : to decline in financial value or price : suffer a decline in prices
   < stocks fell several points >
   < the market is falling >
 c. : to make a hostile move or attack physically or verbally — now used with on or upon
  < fell upon the enemy and routed him >
  < the opposition speakers fell clamorously on the tottering government >
  (1) : to come or occur at a certain time : arrive
   < prevent the harvest seasons from coming in time to fall outside of their proper agricultural seasons — T.H.Gaster >
   < the beginnings of his career fell at the period … when the vogue of field games … was beginning — E.P.Tanner >
  (2) : to come by chance : happen to come
   < it fell into my mind to write you a letter >
   < hurried me frequently into intrigues with low women that fell in my way — Benjamin Franklin >
  (1) : to come or pass by lot, assignment, inheritance, or as a burden or duty : devolve
   < the estate fell to his brother >
   < the lot fell on him >
   < it fell to him to break the news >
  (2) dialect Britain : to have need or occasion : become obliged or due — used with to
 c. archaic : to come or be due in the course of events — followed by to be and usually a participle
  (1) : to lie in a certain position
   < the point falls to the right of a given line >
   : have the proper place or station
   < the accent falls on the second syllable >
  (2) : to come within the limits, scope, or jurisdiction of something : have a definite position in a classificatory system or arrangement — often used with into, within, or under
   < this word falls into the class of verbs >
   < obviously fell within the Soviet sphere of influence — Max Ascoli >
   < falls within the jurisdiction of this city >
   < species fall under genera >
  (3) : to divide naturally — usually used with into
   < his creative output falls into three distinct classes >
   < the area falls into a number of physiographic regions >
  (4) : to break up : separate
   < they fell into two factions — R.A.Billington >
   < under the enemy thrust, the division fell to pieces >
 a. : to pass usually somewhat suddenly and passively into a certain state of body or mind or a new condition or relation : become
  < fell at musing — Hugh McCrae >
  < I fell silent >
  < fell prey to dangerous diseases >
  < the brittle dish fell apart >
  < the tax falls due this month >
  < fell heir to the estate >
  < fell in love >
  — often used with into
  < fell into a heavy slumber >
  < ran a street or two … and then fell into a walk — Arthur Morrison >
  < the word fell into disuse >
 b. : to come by chance into close or friendly dealings with a particular individual or group : have a chance encounter
  < a college he fell into a congenial crowd of artistic and literary young men >
  — often used in the phrases fall among or fall in with
  < a bluff and simple country gentleman who had inadvertently fallen among politicians — C.H.Driver >
  < fell in with a Russian gentleman and his daughter — Norman Douglas >
  < he thought he was close to land when he fell in with a ship — Walter Hayward >
 c. : to set about usually heartily or actively : begin — often used with an infinitive of action
  < fell to work >
  or a verbal noun after the prefix a-
  < fell a-laughing >
6. archaic
 a. : to revert to a feudal superior — used of a benefice
 b. : to become vacant — used of an office
7. : to have a certain direction or point of incidence : strike, impinge
 < a ray of light fell on the table >
 < music falling on the ear >
 < the shot fell a great distance from its target >
 a. : to form an ardent and usually sudden attachment : become passionately or blindly fond or enamored
  < one look at the girl and he fell — but hard >
  — usually used with for
  < have you fallen for that young female grasshopper … at your age — Sinclair Lewis >
  < he has fallen for the ravishing widow — C.J.Rolo >
 b. : to become victim of a hoax or deception : become gulled or deceived
  < they just don't fall any more — Reed Whittemore >
  — usually used with for
  < a reform movement that has fallen for a panacea — F.L.Allen >
9. slang : to undergo arrest
 < he fell twice, for theft and burglary — Wallace Beene >
transitive verb
1. archaic : to let drop or bring down (as tears or a weapon)
2. dialect England : to receive as one's share : get
3. : fell vt 1
 fall, drop, sink, slump, and subside can mean in common to go or let go downward freely. fall, intransitive, suggests a descent by the force of gravity, always implying a loss of support opposing gravity in extension applying to anything extending downward or going figuratively in a downward direction
  < let a glass fall to the ground and shatter >
  < the supports gone, the structure fell in a heap >
  < the roof had fallen in on another speaker — Bennett Cerf >
  < hair falling over a woman's shoulders >
  < the birthrate fell over a 6-month period, then rose >
  < let fall a remark about the weather >
  drop usually stresses a speed, directness, unexpectedness, or casualness in falling or allowing to fall
  < dropped a coin into a pond >
  < dropped seeds into holes >
  < dropping to the ground at the sound of an air-raid warning >
  < dropping a hint of coming trouble >
  < income figures dropped during the slow winter season >
  sink implies a gradual descending motion, especially into something, often to the point of total submersion
  < the ship sank gradually into the placid sea >
  < the float on the fish line sank a moment, then bobbed furiously >
  < the thermometer sank to far below zero — Douglas Carruthers >
  < sinking to her knees from exhaustion >
  slump now implies a falling or collapsing as of someone suddenly powerless or suddenly totally enervated
  < slumping to the ground, unconscious >
  < slumped in his seat >
  < prices slumped badly in the winter >
  < when a bird falls asleep, it relaxes and slumps down until its body rests against the perch — J.H.Baker >
  subside suggests a gradual descent or return to a normal or usual position, action, or condition after an undue rising, expanding, boiling up; often it can suggest a sinking below a normal or usual level
  < a wind rising then subsiding >
  < he lost a quarter of an hour waiting for the flood to subside — Mary Austin >
  < the bustle subsides and relative calm is resumed — American Guide Series: North Carolina >
  < the child's quick temper subsided into listlessness — Agnes Repplier >
  < after the boom prices subsided to a level far below normal >

- fall a cropper
- fall by the wayside
- fall down
- fall flat
- fall foul
- fall from
- fall from grace
- fall home
- fall into line
- fall off the roof
- fall on
- fall on one's face
- fall over oneself
- fall short
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English feall; akin to Old Frisian, Old Saxon, & Old High German fal fall, Old Norse fall, deverbatives from the root of English fall (I)
  (1) : the act of dropping or descending by the force of gravity
   < the fall of a stone >
   < a fall from a horse >
   < the leading cause of home deaths continued to be fallsAmericana Annual >
   < a fall on the ice >
  (2) : a guided descent or drop through the air
   < the fall of an ax >
   < the fall of a man's foot >
  specifically : a descent to the floor in modern-dance technique that can be effected in a variety of ways and that resolves into a recovery or rise
  (3) : a position in which a wrestler's scapular area is held in contact with the mat for a given period of time; also : the act of putting an opponent in this position for the prescribed time
  (1) : a falling out, off, or away : dropping, shedding
   < the fall of leaves >
   < a fall of snow >
  (2) : the season when leaves fall from trees : autumn
  (3) : the approach or onset especially of night or darkness
   < he came along the road in the chill fall of the evening — Padraic Colum >
  (1) : a thing or quantity that falls or has fallen
   < examined the fall of earth at the mouth of the tunnel — G.A.Wagner >
   < a freak 20-inch fall of rain >
  specifically : one or more meteorites or their fragments that have fallen together at one place and time
  (2) : birth or production by birth; also : something which is so produced
   < a good fall of lambs >
 d. : something that hangs down
  < pushed back the fall of hair from her forehead — Berton Roueché >
  (1) : a costume decoration of lace or thin fabric arranged to hang loosely and gracefully especially from the back edge of a bonnet
  (2) : a very wide collar of fine fabric and lace worn in the 17th century especially by Cavaliers
  (3) : the part of a turned-over collar from the crease to the outer edge — compare stand
  (4) : a wide front flap on trousers (as those worn by sailors)
  (5) : the freely hanging lower edge of the skirt of a coat — often used in plural
   < would have done it … had I not taken him by the falls of his skirt — Hugh McCrae >
  (6) : one of the three outer and often drooping segments of the flower of an iris — usually used in plural
  (7) : long hair overhanging the face of certain terriers
  (8) : a hoisting-tackle rope or chain; especially : the part of it to which the power is applied
  (9) : boat fall
 e. : the manner in which something hangs down
  < the fall of a woman's hair >
 a. : loss of greatness, power, status, influence, or dominion : collapse, downfall
  < the fall of the Roman Empire >
  < the rise and fall of business firms — Economic Journal >
 specifically : loss of office by a government or ministry especially as a result of an adverse parliamentary vote
  < the fall of a government on a vote of confidence >
 b. : the surrender or capture of a besieged fortress or town
  < the fall of Troy >
  (1) : lapse or departure from innocence or goodness : spiritual ruin
   < fall from virtue >
   — used with the and often cap. in reference to the fall of man reported in Gen 3
  (2) : loss of a woman's chastity
  (3) : the cause of falling from virtue, grace, or power
   < his stubbornness was his fall >
 a. : the descent of land or a hill : downward direction : slope, declivity
  < the well-remembered fall of the land, dropping away to the old rice fields — Hamilton Basso >
 b. : precipitous descent of water : cascade, cataract, waterfall
  < the first fall is about 60 feet high — American Guide Series: Tennessee >
  — usually plural but often sing. in constr.
  < the falls of Niagara >
  < the upper falls has a sheer plunge of 20 feet — Journal of Geology >
  (1) : a musical cadence
  (2) : double appoggiatura
 d. : a falling-pitch intonation in speech
4. : diminution or decrease in size, quantity, or degree : decline
 < the persistently steep fall in immigration — Peter Scott >
 < it was a compensation for a fall in excitement and satisfaction in their … lives — W.D.Howells >
 < the main fall in the average family size … had already taken place — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude >
 < the steady fall in purchasing power >
specifically : diminution or decrease in price or value
 < recent heavy falls in the stock market >
 < a fall of rents >
 a. : the distance or extent to which something falls or slopes : the difference between levels
  < a cultivated field … with a fall of five feet in a hundred feet — J.B.Robson >
  < a fall of five points in the price of a stock >
  < the Mississippi has a fall of 620 feet between Minnesota and the Gulf — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 b. : inclination, pitch
  < a flat roof with a barely perceptible fall >
  < adjust the fall of the gutter so the water would run along it faster >
 a. : the act of felling
 b. : the quantity of trees cut down
7. Scotland : something that befalls one : fortune, lot
 < may good fortune be your fall >
8. slang : arrest
 < served time on narcotics and prostitution falls — Jack Lait & Lee Mortimer >

- take a fall out of
III. adjective
: of fall or autumn : being such as occurs, matures, is done, or is suited for use or wear in the fall
 < bought a fall coat >
 < brisk fall weather >




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