

单词 republicanism
释义 re·pub·li·can·ism
\-kəˌnizəm\ noun
Etymology: republican (I) + -ism
1. : adherence to or sympathy for a republican form of government : republican practices or spirit : attachment to republican principles or institutions
 < republicanism, driven underground by the era of reaction, was kept alive — Times Literary Supplement >
 < popular democratic sentiment came forth as republicanism — Alfredo Mendizábal Villalbo >
2. : a republican form of government : the principles or theory of republican government
 < maintenance of republicanism in Latin America — Alexander Marchant >
 < republicanism in the seventeenth century was … an aristocratic doctrine — G.H.Sabine >
3. usually capitalized
 a. : the principles, policy, or practices of the Republican party of the U.S.
  < the leading theorist of modern Republicanism — Stewart Alsop >
 b. : the Republican party or its members
  < a rousing battle between midwest Republicanism and Democratic liberalism — New York Times >




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