

单词 reserved
释义 re·served
\-vd\ adjective
Etymology: from past participle of reserve (I)
1. : marked by a disposition to be restrained in words and actions: as
 a. : checking free expression of knowledge or ideas through caution : not open, communicative, or candid
  < habitually was reserved in speech, withholding her opinion — Victoria Sackville-West >
 b. : checking easy free conversation or activity through formality, stiffness, or other inhibition : not spontaneous, natural, or hearty
  < a certain vulgar gusto in his movement that divided him from the reserved, watchful rest of the family — D.H.Lawrence >
2. : kept or set apart or aside for future or special use or for an exigency
3. : left of the same color as the background or as the original color of the surface of the material
Synonyms: see silent




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