释义 |
fa·nat·ic I. \fəˈnad.]ik, -at], ]ēk\ adjective or fa·nat·i·cal \]ə̇kəl, ]ēk-\ Etymology: fanatic from Latin fanaticus frantic, inspired by a deity, from fanum sanctuary, temple — more at feast 1. obsolete : possessed by or as if by a demon; broadly : crazed, frantic, mad 2. : governed, produced, or characterized by too great zeal < fanatic enthusiasms > : extravagant, unreasonable : excessively enthusiastic especially on religious subjects < certain fanatic sects > • fa·nat·i·cal·ly \]ə̇k(ə)lē, ]ēk-, -li\ adverb • fa·nat·i·cal·ness \]ə̇kəlnə̇s, ]ēk-\ noun -es II. noun (-s) 1. obsolete a. : lunatic b. : a religious maniac c. : an English nonconformist — used derogatorily especially in the 17th century 2. : a person exhibiting excessive enthusiasm and intense uncritical devotion usually toward some controversial matter (as in religion, politics, or philosophy) and commonly urging his beliefs zealously and with unreasonable and uncompromising insistence; broadly : enthusiast < the duchess became a boating fanatic > Synonyms: see enthusiast |