释义 |
re·spect I. \rə̇ˈspekt, rēˈs-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin respectus act of looking back, regard, consideration, from respectus, past participle of respicere to look back — more at respect II 1. a. : a relation to or concern with something usually specified < the final questions had respect to her financial situation > b. : a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation : relevance < remarks having respect to an earlier plan > c. obsolete : aspect 2. a. : an act of noticing with attention : the giving of particular attention to : consideration < having respect to the views of another > b. obsolete : heed, care, circumspection c. respects plural, obsolete : attention to diverse matters 3. a. : high or special regard : deferential regard (as from a servant to his master) : esteem < a great respect for his judgment > — often used in negative construction < having no respect for class distinctions > b. : the quality or state of being esteemed : honor < a man generally held in high respect > c. obsolete : standing, reputation d. respects plural (1) obsolete : courtesies (2) : expressions of respect or deference < paid his respects > 4. obsolete : consideration, motive, interest 5. a. obsolete : comparison — used chiefly in the phrase in respect b. : a point regarded : particular, detail < in all respects perfect > Synonyms: see regard • - in respect - in respect of - in respect to - with respect to II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Latin respectus, past participle of respicere to look back, look back at, regard, have respect for, from re- + specere to look — more at spy transitive verb 1. obsolete : respite, postpone, neglect 2. a. obsolete (1) : consider, deem, heed (2) : to look for : anticipate (3) : to look toward or at : front upon or toward (4) : to look upon b. : to be depicted facing (as one another) — used of heraldic figures 3. a. : to consider worthy of esteem : regard or treat with respect < loved and respected his parents > : esteem, value b. : to refrain from obtruding upon or interfering with < respect a person's privacy > 4. : to have regard or reference to : relate to : be concerned with < the treaty respects our commerce > intransitive verb : look, front, face — usually used in heraldry • - as respects - respect the person |