释义 |
phil·har·mon·ic I. \|filə(r)|mänik, -ilˌhär|-, -iˌlär|-, -ilˌhȧ|-, -iˌlȧ|-, -nēk sometimes -ilhə(r)|-\ noun Etymology: French philharmonique, from Italian filarmonico, adjective, from fil- phil- + armonico harmonic, from Latin harmonicus — more at harmonic 1. archaic : a lover of music 2. often capitalized : a musical concert or musical organization (as a society or orchestra) < served as guest conductor for the philharmonic > II. adjective Etymology: French philharmonique, from Italian filarmonico 1. archaic : of or relating to a lover of music < the most philharmonic ear is at times deeply affected by a simple air — New Monthly Magazine > 2. : of or relating to a musical organization, especially a symphony orchestra < a philharmonic pace is slower than the pace set by a … pit band — Ethel Merman > |