单词 | fast |
释义 | fast I. 1. a. < the roots of the tree were so fast in the ground we left them there > < a flagpole set fast in its concrete socket > < a gun fast in its carriage > < a fast and impassable barrier between them > b. < after the damp weather all the drawers became fast > < the trunk lid was fast so that even after the key was turned it would not budge > : fastened, locked < the windows and doors were all fast so that thieves could not enter > c. < the boards were fast a few hours after being glued together > < made the ropes fast with a solid square knot > d. < when his foot went through the rotten floor it became fast between two of the floor timbers > < a shell fast in the chamber of a gun > e. < bedfast > f. g. h. < hard and fast rules > 2. obsolete a. of a fortification b. of a place 3. a. b. archaic 4. a. obsolete b. archaic 5. a. (1) < a fast car > < a fast horse > (2) of a baseball < threw more fast balls than curves > (3) < a society that was fast as far as improvement is concerned > (4) < a fast race > (5) < took two fast shots > (6) < a fast bowler > < a fast mechanism on the gun trigger > (7) < fast work > (8) < a bit too fast with his fists in an argument > (9) of a dramatic or literary work < a taut and fast play > < a fast rollicking tale > (10) < an excellent witness — eloquent, confident, fast beyond belief — Michael Straight > (11) < the medicine was a fast one > < the acid was chosen because it was fast > b. < a fast track > < a fast tennis court > < a fast gun holster > < the roads were fast between the towns > as (1) of a wicket (2) < a fast nipple on the baby bottle > c. (1) of timepieces or time reports (2) of weighing instruments (3) d. e. slang (1) of money or profits < made a fast fortune in real estate > < made some fast money on horseracing > and often by shady or dishonest methods < made a fast dollar in a con scheme > (2) < tried to think of a show he could do for a fast thirteen weeks that would pay for the baby — Pete Martin > (3) < a particularly fast man with a buck — Time > (4) < worked a fast deal on a friend > 6. a. < a rope fast to the wharf > < when the handcuffs were snapped on, the culprit was fast to the police officer > b. < a fast hold on the purse > c. (1) of a knot (2) of an alliance or agreement d. (1) of a harpoon (2) of a whale (3) of a whaleboat 7. a. archaic b. of sleep < fell into a fast sleep > 8. a. < fast colors > < fast dyeings > b. < fast color bases > — see dye table I (under Acid, Azoic, Diazo, Disperse, Mordant) c. < the dye is made fast to perspiration — Know Your Merchandise > < a color that is fast to sunlight > — often used in combinations < sunfast > < boilfast > < washfast > 9. a. < his health would not allow so fast a life and he was forced to slow down > especially in pursuit of excitement or pleasure < fast living > b. (1) < associating with a pretty fast bunch > (2) < he thought how in 1910 a painted woman was said to be fast — T.H.Raddall > (3) < a lot of fast talk and promiscuous behavior > 10. < acid-fast bacteria > < arsenic-fast insects > < a streptomycin-fast patient > Synonyms: < a fast runner > < a fast horse > < a fast train > < a fast worker > < a rapid approach > < a rapid gait > < rapid progress > < rapid operations > swift may suggest speed or rapidity accompanied by easy facility, sure flight, brisk activity, or lack of interference and delay < flawless and chaste and swift in their machined perfection which even the airplane has never been able to rival — Robert Payne > < so swift was Caesar that his greatest exploits were measured by days — J.A.Froude > < the flight of his imagination is very swift; the following of it often a breathless business — C.D.Lewis > fleet, sometimes rather poetic or literary, may suggest nimble or graceful lightness and swiftness < the Indian bands swept over the hills on their fleet little ponies and wiped out emigrant wagon trains — American Guide Series: Arizona > < how the fleet creature would fly before the wind — Herman Melville > quick applies to lively action with alacrity or to prompt occurrence with short duration < am a quick man with my hands, and in a minute and a half I had done what I wanted to do — G.K.Chesterton > < a quick brain for intrigue — John Buchan > < in passing quick rather than deliberate judgment on the literature of the day — M.R.Cohen > speedy may suggest velocity or quickness along with promptness, dispatch, or haste < orders for the fastest plane, the swiftest motorboat, the speediest racing car that money and American ingenuity could produce — Gerald Beaumont > < industries where there is a need for exceptionally speedy reinforcement — Sir Winston Churchill > < in all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to speedy and public trial — U.S. Constitution > hasty suggests precipitate hurried rapidity, sometimes ineffective or nervous < it had a hurried evacuated look. Many houses had that. The look of the hasty choice made of what to take along — R.H.Newman > < we must, this time, have plans ready — instead of waiting to do a hasty, inefficient, and ill-considered job at the last moment — F.D.Roosevelt > expeditious suggests efficient rapidity < to assist me in every way in making the journey as expeditious as may be — Elinor Wylie > < if you suggested expeditious English methods of settling accounts he would laugh at you; he does not want his accounts settled — Norman Douglas > II. 1. a. < frozen fast > < fixed fast in the hardened cement > < fast welded > < fast asleep > b. < held fast to his belief in justice > < labor held fast to its right to strike — F.L.Paxson > c. < a foot stuck fast between the boards of the floor > < holding his mother's hand fast > also < a door shut fast > < the blinder over his eyes as fast as ever — Mary Deasy > d. < run fast > < perils had thickened about him fast — Charles Dickens > < a building fast going to ruin > also < complete the task fast if paid enough > e. < bullets coming thick and fast > f. < a man who could think fast in a crisis > also < when the police caught him in the act he talked fast to try to prove his innocence > < what he lacks in knowledge he can make up for by talking fast — Stuart Chase > g. < living too fast for his health > : so as to flout the conventions, especially sexual convention in one's behavior < living fast and free > < playing fast with the ladies > h. < a clock that runs fast > < a train running two minutes fast > 2. obsolete 3. archaic < sat fast by hell's gate — John Milton > 4. obsolete III. obsolete IV. — used as an exclamation in archery expressing a warning to one about to pass in the line of an arrow's flight V. intransitive verb 1. 2. < to counsel men to fast and pray > 3. < fast in Lent > transitive verb < the patient is fasted and given a mild hypnotic — Lancet > • - fast on VI. 1. a. < a day for a general fast > b. 2. < observe the fasts and feasts of the church > < went on a fast of a month as a protest > VII. < a door fast > < a window fast > as a. < a stern fast > < a quarter fast > — compare breast fast b. |
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