释义 |
re·stric·tive I. \rə̇ˈstriktiv, rēˈs-, -ktēv also -ktəv\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French restrictif, serving to restrict, astringent, from Latin restrictus (past participle of restringere to restrict) + Middle French -if -ive — more at restrain 1. obsolete : astringent, binding, styptic 2. : serving or tending to restrict : conveying restrictions < a restrictive tariff > < restrictive regulations > < a restrictive railroad signal > 3. : expressing a limitation of the reference of the term qualified < a restrictive adjective > < restrictive phrases > — see restrictive clause 4. : prohibiting further negotiation or giving authority to deal with an instrument as directed but not to transfer ownership < a restrictive endorsement of a negotiable instrument > • re·stric·tive·ly \-tə̇vlē, -li\ adverb • re·stric·tive·ness \-tivnə̇s, -tēv- also -təv-\ noun -es II. noun (-s) : a restrictive term or expression |