释义 |
re·tort I. \rə̇ˈtȯ(ə)r]t, rēˈ-, -ȯ(ə)], usu ]d.+V\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Latin retortus, past participle of retorquēre to turn back, bend back, retort, from re- + torquēre to bend, twist — more at torture transitive verb 1. : to pay, cast, or hurl back : return, repay < retort an accusation > < retort a wrong > < retort a censure > < retort an incivility > 2. : to make a like reply to : answer in kind : say in reply < will retort the question … by another question — Sir Winston Churchill > < triumph on being able to retort … the comfort of having a daughter well married — Jane Austen > < “it is false,” he retorted > 3. : to answer or meet (as an argument) by a counter argument of a like kind 4. a. obsolete : to throw back (as a spear) : reverberate < retort sound > : reflect < retort heat > b. : to turn, twist, or curve back < our driver's head was retorted to harangue the back seat — Christopher Morley > intransitive verb 1. obsolete : to turn or spring back : recoil 2. : to make retort : return an argument or charge < I retort upon the ethnologists — A.T.Quiller-Couch > < retorted upon the teasers, without stammering — Arnold Bennett > 3. : retaliate < retorted with worse revenge of his own sort — Arthur Morrison > < there exists in the animals the impulse to retort upon offenders — Samuel Alexander > Synonyms: see answer II. noun (-s) 1. : a quick sharp witty cutting or severe reply; especially : one that turns the first speaker's statement or argument against him or counters it < make some quick retort that silenced her tormenters — T.S.Eliot > < wrote an article in the Standard (as a retort to my criticism of her) — Arnold Bennett > 2. : the act or practice of making retorts < the retort courteous — Shakespeare > III. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle French retorte, from Medieval Latin retorta, from feminine of Latin retortus, past participle of retorquēre to bend back; from its bent shape 1. : a vessel in which substances are subjected to distillation or decomposition by heat and which may be made in various forms and of various materials for different uses: as a. : a bulb of glass or metal with a curved or slanting beak to enter a receiver for general chemical operations b. : a long semicylinder now usually of fireclay or silica for the manufacture of coal gas 2. : magazine 5b
 IV. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) 1. : to treat (as oil shale) by heating in a retort 2. : autoclave < retort canned food > |