释义 |
ret·ro·spec·tive I. \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|spektiv, -tēv also -təv\ adjective Etymology: Latin retrospectus (past participle of retrospicere) + English -ive 1. : contemplative of or relative to past events : characterized by, given to, or indulging in retrospection < a retrospective exhibit of an artist's work > < after the decline of interest in nature ancient culture became introspective and retrospective — John Dewey > < retrospective self-justification > < retrospective octogenarian > 2. : affecting things past : retroactive — compare ex post facto 3. of a view : that is in the direction of the rear (as of a house) • ret·ro·spec·tive·ly \-tə̇vlē, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) : a generally comprehensive exhibition showing the work of an artist over a span of years < the big retrospective of his works at the Museum of Modern Art — R.M.Coates > III. adjective : relating to or being a study (as of a disease) that starts with the present condition of a population of individuals and collects data about their past history to explain their present condition — compare prospective herein |