

单词 favorite
释义 fa·vor·ite
I. \ˈfāv(ə)rə̇]t, -vər], usu ]d.+V\ noun
Etymology: Italian favorito, past participle of favorire to favor, from favore favor, from Latin favor
 a. : something treated or regarded with special favor : something especially liked or loved
  < like other fertile districts, this territory was once a favorite with the Indians — American Guide Series: Michigan >
  < of all books, the Bible was his favorite >
 specifically : one unusually loved, trusted, or provided with favors by a person of high rank or authority
  < the Duke of York … granted the area between the Hudson and Delaware rivers to two of his favoritesAmerican Guide Series: New Jersey >
  < the political rule, by palace intrigue, of favorites, women, and eunuchs — W.G.Sumner >
  < committing to a wicked favorite all public cares — John Milton >
 b. : something having marked especially lasting popularity
  < approximately thirty active winter playland areas in Vermont … include old favorites of all sizes — New York Times >
2. obsolete : supporter, follower, partisan
3. : a short curl at the temple fashionable in the 17th and 18th centuries — usually used in plural
4. : a competitor (as a horse in a race) judged most likely to win : the competitor against whom the shortest odds are laid in the betting
Synonyms: see parasite
II. adjective
: constituting a favorite
 < a favorite picnic place >
: accorded special treatment or attention usually loving or affectionate
 < a favorite daughter >
specifically : markedly popular especially over an extended period of time
 < favorite melodies from light opera >
 < small dogs are favorite pets >




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