单词 | reveal |
释义 | re·veal I. 1. 2. < reveal a confidence > < revealed his plans for the nation > 3. < the rising curtain revealed a street scene > < the painting reveals the painter > < the dress revealed nearly everything > Synonyms: < laws divine deduced by reason or to faith revealed — William Wordsworth > < the artist, the man of genius, raises this veil and reveals nature to us — Havelock Ellis > < he revealed his gift for patient diplomacy — John Buchan > < conversation revealed a persistent, if muted, snobbery — Francis King > discover indicates a making known or showing by or as if by uncovering; it is commonly used in connection with matters kept secret and not previously known < a test which we may apply to all figure painters — a test which will often discover the secret of unsatisfactory design — Laurence Binyon > disclose is more common than discover to indicate these notions < the stress of passion often discloses an aspect of the personality completely ignored till then by its closest intimates — Joseph Conrad > < did not disclose his objective — Willa Cather > divulge indicates disclosing, often with a degree of publicity or with a suggestion of impropriety or breach of confidence, real or implied < knew of the conspiracy and did not divulge it — Hilaire Belloc > < the prefaces written for it … divulged the closest workshop secrets that any novelist has yet confided to nonnovelists — C.E.Montague > tell may simply indicate giving necessary or helpful information < kiss and tell > < tell him the news > betray is stronger than divulge in centering attention on breaches of confidence and than reveal when outward signs or indications are involuntary < letters that would betray the conspiracy he had entered into — Sherwood Anderson > < the deep fondness of her heart betrayed itself by a faint smile — Anne D. Sedgwick > bewray is an archaic synonym for reveal or betray < silence in love bewrays more woe than words — Walter Raleigh > II. III. 1. 2. |
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