释义 |
re·ver·sal \-səl\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from reversen to reverse + -al 1. : an act or the process of reversing: as a. : a change or overthrowing of some legal proceeding or judgment < the reversal of an attainder > b. : the causing to move or face in an opposite direction or to appear in an inverted position < the reversal of a rotation > < the reversal of objects by a lens > c. : a method of testing or determining the collimation (as of a transit) by inverting the telescope in its supports d. : inversion 2c e. : an act or instance of going from the defensive position to the position of advantage in amateur wrestling — compare takedown 2. a. : a conversion in whole or part of a photographic positive into a negative or vice versa b. : solarization |