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fed·er·al I. \ˈfed(ə)rəl\ adjective Etymology: Latin foeder-, foedus league, compact + English -al; akin to Latin fides faith — more at faith 1. a. : of or relating to a compact, league, or treaty; especially : of, relating to, or derived from a compact between states which by the terms of the compact surrender their general sovereignty and consolidate into a new state < a federal union > b. : of, relating to, or expressing a covenant between God and the human race or its members, especially the covenant of works and the covenant of grace — compare federal theology 2. a. : of or relating to a state formed by the consolidation of several states which retain limited residuary powers of government under the common sovereignty of the new state : being or befitting such a state < some federal states have political parties peculiar to one area > b. : of, characterized by, or constituting a form of government in which power is distributed among a number of constituent territorial units < federal governments often evolved out of leagues or confederations — C.J.Friedrich > < a federal system > c. often capitalized : of or relating to the central government of a nation having the character of a federation as distinguished from the governments of the constituent units (as states or provinces) 3. usually capitalized : advocating or friendly to the principle of a federal government with strong centralized powers; especially : of or relating to the American Federalists 4. often capitalized : of, relating to, or loyal to the federal government or the Union armies of the United States in the American Civil War 5. usually capitalized : being or belonging to a style of architecture and decoration current in the United States following the Revolution and before the period of Classic Revival 6. of a British university : consisting of an association of colleges that function to a very large degree as independent units • fed·er·al·ly \-rəlē, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) Usage: usually capitalized 1. : a supporter of the government of the United States in the Civil War; specifically : a soldier in the federal armies < Federals and Confederates lie buried together > 2. : a federal agent or officer |