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fed·er·a·tion \ˌfedəˈrāshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: French fédération league, alliance, from Late Latin foederation-, foederatio, from Latin foederatus + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : the act of uniting in a league; especially : the formation of a single sovereign power by the uniting of separate states, provinces, or colonies so that each retains the management of its own local affairs 2. : something formed by federation: as a. : a sovereign state formed by the union of several states that have given up certain powers to the central government while retaining for themselves control over local matters — compare confederation 2 b. : a union of societies or organizations < a federation of labor unions > < a federation of women's clubs > • fed·er·a·tion·al \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|rāshənəl, -shnəl\ adjective |