释义 |
re·view I. \rə̇ˈvyü, rēˈ-\ noun Etymology: Middle French revue, from feminine of revu, past participle of revoir to look over, from re- + voir to look, see — more at view 1. : a looking over or examination with a view to amendment or improvement : revision < an author's review of his works > 2. : an inspection (as of troops under arms or of a naval force) by a high officer (as for the purpose of ascertaining the state of discipline and equipment); specifically : a march past a reviewing officer usually following an inspection 3. : a general survey or view (as of the events of a period) < take a review of the war > < pass one's life in review > 4. : an act of inspecting or examining : reviewing 5. : judicial reexamination (as of the proceedings of a lower tribunal by a higher) 6. a. : an explanatory and critical account of an artistic production or performance (as a book, play, exhibition, or concert) usually in a periodical : criticism, critique b. : a periodical containing primarily critical articles 7. a. : a second or repeated view : reexamination b. : a retrospective view or survey (as of one's life) c. (1) : renewed study (as at the end of a course or before an examination) of material previously studied (2) : an exercise designed to facilitate such study 8. : revue II. \“, in senses 1&2 (ˈ)rē|vyü\ verb Etymology: re- + view transitive verb 1. archaic : to view or see again 2. : to examine again : make a second or additional inspection of : study anew < the officers viewed and reviewed the fortifications > 3. [review (I) ] a. : to take a view of : examine with consideration or attention : survey < on reviewing all the circumstances > b. : to look back on : take a retrospective view of 4. : to reexamine judicially < a higher court may review the proceedings and judgments of a lower one > 5. : to go over or examine critically or deliberately: as a. obsolete : to subject to revision (as a manuscript before printing or a book for a new edition) b. : to go over with critical examination in order to discover excellences or defects; also : to give a critical examination of < review a new novel > 6. : to make a formal or official examination of the state of (as troops) : hold a review of < review a regiment > 7. : to recapitulate (previous calls in the auction of the current deal) in a bridge game intransitive verb : to make a review < reviewing for a test > usually : to write reviews : be a reviewer |