释义 |
fe·ria I. \ˈfirēə, ˈfer-\ noun (plural feri·as \-ēəz\ ; also feri·ae \ˈfirēˌē, ˈferēˌā\) Etymology: Medieval Latin, from Late Latin, festal day, day of the week (as in prima feria Sunday, secunda feria Monday, etc., originally designations for the days of Easter week) — more at fair : a day of the Roman Catholic or Anglican church calendar other than Sunday on which no feast regularly falls often having a special commemorative office < the Sundays and ferias of Lent > — see greater feria II. \ˈferēə, -r(ˌ)yä\ noun (-s) Etymology: Spanish, fair, market, from Medieval Latin — more at fair : a market festival in Spain and places affected by Spanish culture often celebrating a local religious holiday (as the day of a town's patron saint) : fair < the annual bullfight at the start of a 3-day feria > |