释义 |
fer·til·iza·tion \ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ə̇ˈzāshən, -ˌīˈz-\ noun (-s) 1. : the act or process of making or becoming fertile: a. (1) : the application of fertilizer (2) : the bringing about or promoting of an intellectual or economic development : enrichment b. (1) : the act or process of fecundation, insemination, impregnation, or pollination — not often used technically (2) : the process of union of two germ cells whereby the somatic chromosome number is restored and the development of a new individual is initiated in animals typically involving penetration of a large passive female cell by a smaller active male cell followed by completion of the maturation of the female cell and by fusion of the haploid gamete pronuclei to form a diploid synkaryon within a new initially unicellular zygote and in most seed plants depending upon penetration of the ovule and embryo sac containing the egg by a pollen tube that discharges the nonmotile male nucleus — compare conjugation, double fertilization, parthenogenesis, polyspermy 2. : an instance of fertilization • fer·til·iza·tion·al \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷|zāshənəl, -shnəl\ adjective |