

单词 fervid
释义 fer·vid
\ˈfərvə̇d, ˈfə̄v-, ˈfəiv-\ adjective
Etymology: Latin fervidus, from fervēre to boil
1. : giving off intense heat : very hot : burning
 < set out on an expedition when the fervid heat subsides — Frances Trollope >
2. : characterized by often extreme fervor of feeling or expression : impassioned
 < overcome by fervid enthusiasm >
: zealous
 < the voters … have always taken fervid partisans somewhat humorously — G.W.Johnson >
: vehement
 < fervid eloquence with which he urged his proposal >
: ebullient
 < the most loathsome and noisome abominations that his fervid imagination could concoct — C.W.Eliot >
Synonyms: see impassioned




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