

单词 fever
释义 fe·ver
I. \ˈfēvə(r)\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fēfer, fēfor, from Latin febris; akin to Latin fovēre to warm — more at day
 a. : a rise of body temperature above the normal whether a natural response (as to infection) or artificially induced for therapeutic reasons
 b. : an abnormal bodily state characterized by increased production of heat, accelerated heart action and pulse, and systemic debility with weakness, loss of appetite, and thirst
 c. : any of various diseases of which fever is a prominent symptom
  < typhoid fever >
  < yellow fever >
  < quartan fever >
 a. : a state of heightened or intense emotion (as of excitement, anxiety, or desire) : abnormal intensity
  < in a fervor and fever of resentment colonists all over the land voluntarily carried their tea to public bonfires — C.G.Bowers >
  < terror hung over the West, the frontier was in a fever, forts and blockhouses were hastily constructed — American Guide Series: Ind. >
  < a fever of passionate love — T.L.Peacock >
 b. : a widely contagious usually transient enthusiasm (as for gold prospecting, migration to the West, or stock speculation) : craze
  < caught uranium fever >
  < football fever raged in the university >
  < gripped by a fever for emigration >
3. : a state of agitated or intense activity : urgent haste
 < what a fever of preparation seized the fort on the afternoon before that great day — Walter O'Meara >
 < worked at a fever pitch >
4. : an abnormal often unstable condition of mind or society
 < the fever is over; already unemployment … has started to drop — Economist >
II. verb
(fevered ; fevered ; fevering \-v(ə)riŋ\ ; fevers)
transitive verb
: to throw into a fever : affect with fever : heat, agitate
 < the gold coin, clutched deep in his trouser pocket, fevered him — A.J.Cronin >
intransitive verb
1. : to contract or be in a fever : be or become feverish
 < the malaria victim fevers intermittently >
 < he fevered for his far-off home >
2. : to move or live feverishly
 < Germany has not experienced a revolution; she has only fevered through a convulsion caused by overexertion and fright — Maximillian Harden >




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