

单词 rich
释义 rich
I. \ˈrich\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English riche, from Old English rīce; akin to Old High German rīhhi rich, Old Norse rīkr, Gothic reiks mighty, ruler, Old English rīce kingdom, realm, rule, Old High German rīhhi, Old Norse rīki, Gothic reiki; all from prehistoric Germanic borrowings from Celtic words whose root is represented by Old Irish (gen. rīg) king — more at royal
1. obsolete : possessed of great temporal power : mighty
2. : possessing or controlling great wealth : wealthy
 < rich bankers >
 a. : possessed of high intrinsic or estimated value
  < rich jewels >
  < the best uranium, that is to say the richest rock in the world — J.D.Hillaby >
 b. : abounding in natural wealth (as ore, water, productive soil) — often used with in
  < a kingdom rich in forests and mines and lush pastureland >
  (1) : burdened with every luxury : sumptuous
   < a rich banquet >
  (2) : gorgeously and pleasingly showy
   < rich garments >
   : splendidly costly
   < rich tapestries >
  (3) : magnificently impressive : gorgeously replete with pomp and ceremony
   < a rich military funeral >
  (1) : elaborately adorned : sumptuously ornamented
   < a rich altar >
  (2) : fabricated from the best material and with the best skill and care
   < rich furnishing >
   < rich interior decorations >
  (1) of color : vivid but pleasing; specifically : of high or very high saturation and commonly of low lightness
   < a rich red >
  (2) : warmly and pleasingly colorful
   < a rich landscape >
   < a rich sunset >
 b. : full and mellow in tone and quality
  < a rich voice >
  < rich music >
  (1) : possessed of strong pleasant fragrance
   < rich perfume >
  (2) : pleasantly pungent
   < a rich barnyard odor >
 a. : abundant, plentiful — often used with in
  < a mixture rich in lime >
  or postposed and hyphenated
  < an iron-rich soil >
  < manganese-rich ore >
 b. : producing abundantly or yielding large returns : productive
  < a rich mine >
  < rich farmland >
 a. : abundantly supplied with plant nutrients
  < rich soil >
 b. : abounding in resinous heartwood
  < rich stumps >
 c. : containing a large proportion of cementing material
  < rich mortar >
  < rich concrete >
  < rich plaster >
 d. : containing a pronounced complement of fat or fatty substances
  < turkey, pork, and other rich meats >
  < rich eggnogs >
 e. : high in the combustible component — used especially of a fuel mixture for an internal-combustion engine
  < the rich mixtures are generally used at high power output — Aircraft Power Plants >
  — opposed to lean
 a. : high in entertainment
  < a rich first act >
  : strongly amusing
  < rich humor >
 b. : pregnant with meaning, import, or significance
  < rich words >
  < rich allusions >
 c. : lush
  < rich foliage >
  < rich meadows >
9. : containing coarse, shocking, or scurrilous expressions
 < rich abuse >
10. : pure or very nearly pure
 < rich lime >
11. : plastic — used in ceramics of clay
 wealthy, affluent, opulent: applied to persons and to groups, rich and wealthy are often interchangeable in indicating possession of considerable wealth
  < was indeed rich, according to the standards of the Square; nay, wealthy — Arnold Bennett >
  rich may occasionally apply to greater possession than wealthy
  < a wealthy but not a rich man — Times Literary Supplement >
  but it is more likely to be used in extended senses than wealthy
  < lived alone, poor in worldly goods to the verge of distress, but rich beyond avarice in his vast and unique collection of snow-crystal pictures — W.J.Humphreys >
  wealthy may suggest along with the fact of ownership its established, accustomed, or lasting enjoyment
  < many of the wealthy supporters of the drama in Providence bought boxes by the season and were served wines and sherbets between the acts — American Guide Series: Rhode Island >
  affluent often is interchangeable with wealthy but may suggest a comfortably increasing wealth
  < ride in larger and larger cars so that we may seem more affluent than we actually are — J.D.Adams >
  opulent, applied less often to persons than to things, may suggest extreme wealth attended with lavish, luxuriant, or splendid expenditure
  < an opulent frock of gold brocade — Jean Stafford >
  < an opulent blue mink coat — Time >
  < an opulent and glittering eastern throne — John Buchan >
II. noun
(plural rich or riches \ˈrichə̇z\)
1. plural rich : a rich person
 < the rich has many friends — Prov 14:20 (Revised Standard Version) >
— usually used collectively
 < respected by both rich and poor >
 < the rich all belong to the same clubs here >
2. riches plural [Middle English (singular or plural), from richesse richness, wealth, from Old French, from riche rich, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English rīce rich — more at rich] : something that makes one rich : rich possessions : abundant means : wealth
 < spiritual riches >
 < what care I in riches to wallow — Robert Burns >




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