

单词 fictitious
释义 fic·ti·tious
\(ˈ)fik|tishəs\ adjective
Etymology: Latin fictitius, ficticius, from fictus (past participle of fingere to shape, form, devise, feign) + -itius, -icius -itious — more at dough
1. : of, relating to, or suggestive of fiction or a fiction
 < fictitious value >
: imaginary
  (1) : conventionally or hypothetically assumed
   < a fictitious entity >
   < a fictitious concept >
  (2) : accepted although known to be untrue, unnatural, or unreal : arbitrarily accepted as genuine
   < like a jealous stepmother … wary of the favors she bestows on her fictitious offspring — J.F.Cooper >
 b. of a name : assumed
 c. of a celestial object : assumed at a given time to be in the position that would be occupied if the apparent motion were perfectly uniform
  < the fictitious sun >
3. : feigned, simulated : not genuinely felt
 < sure that this equanimity was fictitious — George Meredith >
 fabulous, legendary, mythical, apocryphal: fictitious applies to fabrication or contrivance, often artful, without necessary intent to deceive, or to false evaluation
  < a fictitious reconstruction of primitive life before the coming of the white man — American Guide Series: Oregon >
  < he was a novelist: his amours, and his characters, were fictitious — O.S.J.Gogarty >
  < a fictitious expansion of expenditure creating a morbid speculation — Norman Angell >
  fabulous applies to the marvelous or incredible; it describes that which, existent or not, transcends accustomed sober reality
  < fabulous atomic weapons >
  < the fabulous pirate treasures of Captain Kidd >
  < out in Montana in the 1860s fabulous mining strikes made boom towns overnight — Saturday Review >
  < the mouth of the converter belched fire like some fabulous dragon, its flames leaping forty or fifty feet into the air — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager >
  legendary may apply to that which undergoes distortion, elaboration, or exaggeration by popular tradition
  < legendary wonders, such as the Seven Cities which, situated on great heights, had jewel-studded doorways and whole streets of busy goldsmiths — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager >
  < legendary history reported in the next generation that the elements had been pregnant with auguries: images had sweated; the sky had blazed with meteors — J.A.Froude >
  mythical suggests quite fanciful or imaginative creation, embellishment, or explanation and implies nonexistence
  < these ancestors are not creations of the mythical fancy but were once men of flesh and blood — J.G.Frazer >
  < the mythical islands, Antilia, St. Brendan, and the rest, with which map makers had for centuries decorated their maps — G.C.Sellery >
  apocryphal suggests lack of known authentic source and implies spuriousness or dubiousness about what is described
  < it is not possible to attach much weight to the Sanson memoirs — they are so plainly apocryphal — Agnes Repplier >
  < tales, possibly apocryphal and certainly embroidered, of his feats of intelligence work in the eastern Mediterranean — R.W.Firth >




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