单词 | finger |
释义 | fin·ger I. 1. 2. a. < a finger of toast > < a finger of land extending into the sea > < the finger of a clock > b. c. d. < a finger of rhubarb > e. 3. a. b. 4. a. < he seems always to have a finger in some magisterial affair — V.L.Parrington > — often used in the phrase to have a finger in the pie < has a finger in every political pie > b. fingers plural < marries the boss's daughter, and gets his fingers on the armament industry — Sherwood Anderson > 5. slang < first they get a finger on him — J.M.Cain > • - lift a finger II. transitive verb 1. < eyeing her … as a broker buys a diamond … as a country woman fingers a bolt of tweed — Francis Hackett > < fingered his scraggy chin before he answered — C.G.D.Roberts > < fingered his heavy underlip as if probing it for a cold sore — Kenneth Roberts > 2. obsolete 3. a. b. c. 4. < the long beams of the searchlights fingering the sky — R.H.Newman > < new roads fingering once trackless plains > 5. < far be it from me to finger any individual to be blasted by the presidential wrath — G.W.Johnson > < the man he fingered for the mayor's job was an old-time politician > < practically all of them had been fingered by the more reliable ex-Communists — Elmer Davis > as a. < she fingered a boy friend … as one of the killers — Lew Arthur > b. < in those days you merely fingered the victim … and in a few days your enemy's body was discovered in the gutter — Danny Ahearn > < sometimes the dock boss … fingers the load to be stolen — Malcolm Johnson > c. slang < we've been fingering him for months — L.A.Norris > intransitive verb 1. < the rosaries, the strings of round bells … brought them toward him … snatching and fingering — Marjory S. Douglas > 2. a. b. < it fingers like a cornet > 3. < the docks fingered out into the water — R.P.Warren > < forests, farms, industries … fingering through great river valleys — Betty F. Martin > < searchlights fingered across the black water — Time > III. |
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