

单词 rise
释义 rise
I. \ˈrīz\ verb
(rose \ˈrōz\ ; or archaic rise or dialect riz \ˈriz\ ; ris·en \ˈrizən\ ; or dialect riz ; ris·ing \ˈrīziŋ\ ; ris·es \ˈrīzə̇z\)
Etymology: Middle English risen, from Old English rīsan; akin to Old High German rīsan to rise, climb, fall, Old Norse rīsa to rise, Gothic urreisan to get up, Latin oriri to rise, rivus brook, stream, Greek ornynai to urge on, cause to rise, oros mountain, Sanskrit arṇa wave, ṛṣva high, raya stream, Hittite arāi he rises
intransitive verb
 a. : to assume an upright or standing position : get up from lying, kneeling, or sitting
 b. : to get up from sleep or from one's bed
 c. : to get back on one's feet after a fall
 d. : to regain standing after a lapse, disgrace, or failure
  (1) : to stand erect (as of a terrified person's hair)
  (2) : to resume an upright position (as of flattened grass or grain)
2. : to come back to life : return from death or the grave
 < witnesses who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead — Acts 10:41 (Revised Standard Version) >
 a. : to go to war : take up arms : launch an attack : make insurrection
  < the people of Boston rose and seized all of the Dominion officers who could be found — Viola F. Barnes >
  — usually used with against
  < the Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you — Deut. 28:7 (Revised Standard Version) >
 b. obsolete
  (1) : to break camp
  (2) : to withdraw a besieging force
 a. obsolete : to show respect : defer — used with up
 b. : to respond warmly : show enthusiasm : applaud, cheer — usually used with to
  < the audience rose to his verve and wit >
5. : to end a session : adjourn
 < when the committee rose on Friday the clerk had read through section 203 — Congressional Record >
 a. : to move up from the horizon : climb the skies : come up
  < a pale sun rose in lowering skies >
  — opposed to set
 b. : to come in view (as of a ship at sea) above the horizon or to appear larger on nearer approach
 a. : to ascend into the air : move upward
  < smoke rose quietly from cottage chimneys all through the valley below >
 b. : to grow taller : increase in height
  < rise to heights unusual for other trees >
8. : to swell in size or volume : reach a higher level
 < the river rose rapidly with the heavy rains >
 < becomes an island each time the tide rises >
 < a blister rose at the burn >
 < bread dough rises >
9. : to extend upward : grow in process of construction : incline or reach above other objects
 < at a little distance above him rose a small butte — Oliver La Farge >
 < octagonal towers rise a story higher than the main body of the structure — American Guide Series: Texas >
 < a meeting place or assembly hall with rise — Sidonie M. Gruenberg >
 < between the valleys of the gorge rise miniature mountain peaks — American Guide Series: Louisiana >
 a. : to become lifted up or raised : swell with joy : increase in cheer, hope, or courage : become elated
  < spirits rose as the danger passed >
 b. : to increase in fervor : grow heated or ardent : intensify
  < members of his staff watched indignation rise in him — Stewart Cockburn >
11. : to move aloft : become lifted higher : go up : soar
 < the curtain rose on a lovely set >
 < birds rose all around in alarm >
 a. : to come up to the surface (as of the water or the ground)
  < a diver rose near him in the water >
  < the spring rises cool and fresh from great depths >
 b. : to move up through the water to take food or bait
  < trout were rising hungrily >
13. of locked-up printing type
 a. : lift
 b. : to work up
 a. : to attain a higher level : gain in vigor, clarity, grace, or effectiveness
  < his painting rose to a fresh expressiveness and revealed a shrewder, gentler insight >
  < rose to heights of passionate eloquence >
 b. : to increase in quantity or number
  < funds available for investment rose sharply — R.P.Edmunds >
  < cotton acreage rose over 50 percent — Americana Annual >
 c. : to advance in rank, position, or esteem
  < rose to the rank of brigadier general of cavalry when still in his twenties — J.H.Easterby >
 d. : to increase in price : grow dearer
  < the cost of paper rose >
 e. : to become higher in pitch or louder
  < her voice rose then in a shrill crescendo >
 a. : to grow stronger or more resolute
  < his courage rose as difficulties multiplied about him >
 b. : to increase in force or rate of speed
  < the wind rose rapidly >
  < storms rose often to wild fury >
16. : to take place : happen, occur
 < then rose a little circumstance that was to have far-reaching results >
 a. : to attain existence : come on the scene : become born : appear
  < search and you will see that no prophet is to rise from Galilee — Jn 7:52 (Revised Standard Version) >
  < great regimes rose, based upon the irrational and negative in man's nature — M.W.Straight >
 b. archaic : to spring up : grow — used of a plant
18. : to follow as a consequence : become derived : originate, result
 < wars had risen out of incidents more trivial — L.C.Douglas >
19. : to gain currency : circulate
 < a rumor rose in city hall circles that the mayor would resign >
 a. : to have source or origin : spring
  < the river rises in the foothills >
 b. : to have a beginning
  < great nations rise and fall >
21. : to exert oneself to meet a challenge or provocation : show oneself equal to a demand or test : prove adequate — usually used with to
 < their ministerial leaders rose ably to the occasion with consummate theological arguments — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
22. : to become raised (as of a vowel)
transitive verb
1. : to cause to rise; especially : to lure (a fish) to rise
2. chiefly dialect : to make higher : increase — used of price
3. archaic : to reach the top of : surmount
 rise, arise, ascend, mount, soar, tower, rocket, levitate, surge can mean, in common, to move or come up from a lower to a higher level. rise is the most general, interchangeable with all the others
  < the fountain rose to a 6-foot spout >
  < she felt the color rising in her face — Anne D. Sedgwick >
  < the building rose a story at a time >
  < the balloon rose into the heavens >
  < the table rose from the floor and seemed to poise in midair >
  < the wave rose and crashed against the cliff >
  It is usually used in some idioms that refer to getting up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling position
  < awake and rise at dawn >
  < rise from a chair >
  or to objects as the sun, moon, or a mountain that seem to get up or lift themselves in this way
  < the moon rose at 10:35 in the evening >
  < stairways rising diagonally across the porch — American Guide Series: Louisiana >
  < cliffs around the bay rise steep from the waters — Leonard Lyons >
  or to a fluid under the influence of a natural force
  < the mercury rose steadily until the temperature was over 100 degrees >
  < in the flood the river rose five feet >
  arise is narrower in application and is used to indicate literal movement upward usually to getting up after a sleep; in figurative applications it is more synonymous with appear or come into existence
  < an apparition arose before us >
  < city after city arose — R.W.Murray >
  < an eager babbling arose from the shore — Kenneth Roberts >
  < a haze of dust arose — Melvin Van den Bark >
  ascend and mount carry a strong idea of continuous, progressive upward movement
  < ascend a mountain >
  < mount a long flight of stairs >
  < the smoke rose and ascended to the treetops >
  < after the initial rise the temperature mounted steadily >
  < ascend a stream in a canoe >
  < as the road mounted, the air became sharper — Joseph Wechsberg >
  soar, always suggesting the straight upward flight of a bird, therefore indicates continuous, usually swift ascent to high altitudes, literal or figurative
  < the flight of hawks is impressive … soaring in intricate spirals — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania >
  < snowy mountains soaring into the sky twelve and thirteen thousand feet — John Muir †1914 >
  < food items, the prices of which may soar or plummet — Carey Longmire >
  tower usually applies to things that attain conspicuous height through growth or building up, connoting extension to a height considerably above neighboring objects
  < peaks that tower in the distance — Laurence Binyon >
  < surrounded by mountains which tower thousands of feet higher — Tom Marvel >
  < great chimneys tower above its roof — American Guide Series: Maryland >
  < the great men tower over the young making their authority manifest in the land — H.J.Laski >
  rocket suggests the startlingly swift speed, usually upward, of a projectile
  < teal rocketed over the treetops — New Yorker >
  < prices have rocketed sky-high — Patrick Kent >
  levitate implies a force that causes something to rise through actual or induced buoyancy, usu., however, being associated with spiritualistic practices and illusory risings of a person or thing
  < had once levitated himself three feet from the ground by a simple act of the will — Katherine A. Porter >
  < in other experiments … with levitated tables — H.H.U.Cross >
  surge, often with up, suggests the heaving upward or forward of a large wave
  < water forced in by the ocean waves would surge up through it and trickle down the mountains — American Guide Series: Oregon >
  < strong emotions surged through him as he strode on — O.E.Rölvaag >
Synonym: see in addition spring.
II. \“ sometimes -īs\ noun
1. : an act of rising or a state of being risen: as
 a. : a movement upward : an ascent to a higher plane
 b. : the emergence of the sun or some other celestial body above the horizon
 c. obsolete
  (1) : a leap upward especially from a running start
  (2) : a place providing a takeoff point for such a leap
 d. : the upward movement of a fish to seize food or bait
  (1) : an increase in the pitch of sound or an upward change of key
   < a rise of a tone or semitone >
  (2) : a rising-pitch intonation in speech — compare fall II 3d
  (1) : the reaching of a higher level by an increase of quantity or bulk
  (2) : the amount or height of such an increase
   < the rise of the river was six feet >
 g. : the distance from the firing line to the traps in trapshooting
2. : beginning, derivation, origin, source, start
 < with the rise of tin mining in more recent years, the community has once again regained its position of importance — P.E.James >
3. : the distance or elevation of one point above another: as
 a. : the height of an arch from base to apex
 b. : the height of a step in a staircase measured from one tread to the next
4. : an increase in amount, number, or volume: as
 a. : an increase in the loudness of the voice
  < the ordinary rises and falls of the voice — Francis Bacon >
 b. chiefly Britain : an increase in wages or salary
  < five shillings a week rise from the first of January — Victoria Sackville-West >
 c. : an increase in price, value, rate, or sum
  < the corn shortage that followed land expropriation caused a rise in corn prices — Virginia Prewett >
  < it had no concomitant provision for a tax rise — J.C.Ingraham >
  < a general rise in the cost of living — C.L.Guthrie >
  < a walkout, a fare rise — or both — appeared inevitable — New York World-Telegram >
 d. : the difference in diameter between two points on a log : taper
 a. : an upward slope : incline
  < hopes for a rise in the road — American Guide Series: Florida >
  < a rise in the ocean bottom >
 b. : a spot higher than the surrounding ground : hilltop
  < the road breaks suddenly over a riseAmerican Guide Series: Washington >
6. : raise II 4
7. : an irritated or retaliatory response to provocation : an angry reaction : retort
 < got a rise out of him >
8. : the vertical displacement of the center of gravity of a seaplane float or hull from an arbitrary reference level
 a. : the distance from the crotch to the waistline on pants
 b. : the distance above the waistline on skirts
chiefly dialect
variant of rice I




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