

单词 fire
释义 fire
I. \ˈfī(ə)r, -īə\ noun
Etymology: Middle English fir, fire, from Old English fȳr; akin to Old High German fiur fire, Old Norse fȳrr, fūrr, funi, Gothic fon, Umbrian pir, Greek pyr, Armenian hur fire, torch
 a. : the phenomenon of combustion as manifested in light, flame, and heat and in heating, destroying, and altering effects : ignition
 b. : one of the four elements of the alchemists
 c. fires plural : the heat, flame, or burning material of a specified place or thing
  < the deep internal fires of this volcanic region >
  < the fires of hell >
  (1) : intense love or hate : passion
   < the younger men, the warriors, the new leaders who had fire in their hearts — Marjory S. Douglas >
  (2) : ardor of spirit or temperament : drive, courage, zeal, enthusiasm, fervor
   < the glow and fire of a faith that was content to bide its hour — B.N.Cardozo >
  (3) : liveliness of imagination or fancy : genius, inspiration, vivacity
   < color and fire were imparted to the works of the classic master — A.E.Wier >
   < the force and fire of his oratory >
 a. : fuel in a state of combustion (as on a hearth or in a stove or furnace)
  < warmed his hands at the crackling fire >
  < stirred up the fire with a poker >
  — compare open fire
 b. Britain : a small gas or electric space heater
  < electric fires designed for efficiency — Punch >
 a. : a destructive burning (as of a house, town, or forest)
  < engines clanging their way to the fire >
 b. : purposive destruction by burning — often used in the phrase by fire and sword
  < he was going back … to carry the city by fire and sword — Frank Yerby >
  (1) : death or torture by fire; specifically : burning at the stake — used with the
   < forced the shocked prelate, under threat of the fire, to confess heresies he was not guilty of — G.C.Sellery >
  (2) : an experience that tests or tempers quality or character : a severe trial or ordeal
   < he had proved himself in the fire of battle >
   — often used in plural
   < workers whose ideas have been tested in the fires of performance — G.T.Trewartha >
 a. dialect Britain : fuel, firewood; specifically : kindling
 b. archaic : an inflammable composition or a device for producing a fiery display : fireworks
 a. : a fever or inflammation especially from a disease
 b. : a plant disease producing a burnt appearance — see tulip fire
6. : brilliancy, luminosity; specifically : the play of prismatic colors in light flashes from a gemstone
 a. : the discharge of firearms : firing
  < troops rent by a heavy fire >
 b. : intense and usually continuing criticism : verbal attack
  < atomism had come under the fire of the Socratic schools — Benjamin Farrington >
  < the fire of his article is concentrated on the two hapless institutions — Nicolas Slonimsky >
 c. : a series (as of remarks) usually following closely one upon the other
  < they fell to, a running fire of comments going on all the time — Robert Keable >
8. : the heating powers of a substance (as liquor)
 < with the fire of the drink melting the cold that was in the marrow of our bones — Mary Deasy >

- on fire
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English firen, from fir, fire, n.
transitive verb
 a. : to set on fire : set fire to
  < fired the house >
  (1) : kindle, light, ignite
   < the oven holds sufficient heat to fire a fresh charge of coal — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania >
   — often used with up
   < he fired up a cigar — Gilbert Millstein >
  (2) : to cause to explode by lighting or igniting
   < fired the train of powder >
   < fire a mine >
  (3) : to cause (an internal-combustion engine) to start operation
  (4) : to cause (an electron tube) to begin conducting a gas discharge
  (1) : to give life or spirit to : animate, inspire
   < his description fired my imagination >
   < fired his ambition for a college education >
  (2) : to fill with passion : inflame, arouse
   < he was fired by her fresh young beauty >
 d. : to light up as if by fire : illuminate
  < his eye had caught the flash of larkspur and snapdragons that fired the lawn — G.M.Smith >
 a. : to expel, purge, drive out, or drive away by or as if by fire
  < such surrender is above all things delightful … it fires the cold skepticism out of us — Virginia Woolf >
 b. : to discharge from employ or service usually peremptorily or summarily
  < fired him with one week's notice >
 also : to throw out or eject forcibly
  (1) : detonate
   < fire a charge of dynamite >
  (2) : to propel from or as if from a gun
   < fire cannonballs >
   < fire an arrow >
   < fire a rocket >
   : discharge
   < fire a musket >
  (3) : to score (a certain number) in a game or contest (as golf or target shooting)
   < fired a 68 >
 b. : to throw with speed or force : hurl
  < stripped to his shorts and fired the wet clothes into the corner of the closet — Charles Jackson >
  < throwing clods at me by way of contempt and derision, and I fired back rocks — W.A.White >
  < fired a long pass to the left end >
 c. : to utter with force and rapidity
  < fired questions at the prisoner >
4. : to apply fire, heat, or fuel to: as
 a. : to prepare (as ceramics) by applying heat : burn in a kiln
  < fire pottery >
 b. : to sear (the leg of a horse) with a hot iron in order to convert a crippling chronic inflammation into an acute inflammation that will stimulate the natural healing responses of the body
 c. : to feed or serve the fire of
  < fire a boiler >
  : build a fire under in order to heat
  < unless you have lived by lamplight or fired a washpot in the back yard, you'll never know what electricity means — James Street >
 d. : to heat gently in order to dry
  < fire tea leaves >
 e. : to subject (a barnful of tobacco) to the drying and heating and combustion products of a charcoal fire for curing purposes
 f. : to protect against freezing by the use of smudge pots
  < a freeze comes in and I must fire my young orange grove — Marjorie K. Rawlings >
intransitive verb
 a. : to take fire : kindle, ignite
  < damp gunpowder will not fire >
 b. : to have the explosive charge ignite at the proper time — used of an internal-combustion engine
 c. : glow, redden
  < her features fired at the thought; she clenched her hands in anger >
  (1) of flax : to become covered with dark blotches
  (2) : to turn yellow prematurely (as from drought) — used of corn or grain
2. : to become irritated : become angry or inflamed with passion
 < fired inwardly at these sarcasms — Tobias Smollett >
— often used with up
 < fired up with a superb indignation — H.J.Laski >
 a. : to discharge artillery or firearms
  < fire at point-blank range >
 b. : to emit forcefully or let fly an object
  < as long as the tail is lowered, the skunk will not fireAnimal Trap Co. of American >
  < the archers raised their bows but did not fire >
4. : to undergo a change by the action of fire (as in the making of pottery)
 < iron-bearing clays fire to a red color >
5. : to light or tend a fire (as in a furnace)
 < the ship's firemen went on strike, and there was no one to fire >
6. : to ring all the bells in a chime at once
Synonyms: see dismiss
III. adjective
1. : involved in burning of the use of fire
 < fire building >
 < fire floor >
2. : relating to, used in, or concerned with fire fighting
 < fire bucket >
 < fire district >
 < fire hydrant >
3. : fiery
IV. intransitive verb
: to transmit a nerve impulse
 < the rate at which a neuron fires >




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