

单词 firm
释义 firm
I. \ˈfərm, -ə̄m, -əim\ adjective
Etymology: alteration (influenced by Latin firmus) of Middle English ferm, ferme, from Middle French ferm, from Latin firmus; akin to Latin fretus trusting, daring, Greek thrēsasthai to sit down, thronos chair, throne, Sanskrit dhārayati he holds, carries, keeps; basic meaning: holding, supporting
 a. : securely or solidly fixed in place : not loose : immovable
  < his teeth were firm — D.B.Chidsey >
  < firm in the saddle >
  < the gate and its pillars were firm, but at one side the fence had fallen — John Glassco >
  (1) : not weak, wavering, or uncertain : solid, robust
   < walked with a firm tread >
   < a firm handshake >
   < a firm steady touch on the piano >
  (2) : sound, healthy
   < her mind was still firm; but her limbs trembled … violently — Ellen Glasgow >
 c. : having a solid or compact structure or texture : withstanding stress or pressure : not flabby or soft
  < firm flesh >
  < firm muscles >
  < the snow was firm, not powdery >
  < the creek has a firm bottom >
  (1) : not subject to change, revision, or withdrawal : fixed, settled, definite, established
   < at this meeting … two firm decisions were taken — New York Times >
   < I cannot quote you a firm price >
   < is this a firm offer >
   < like a mother with no baby-sitter and a firm date at the theater — E.B.White >
  (2) : not subject to price weakness on an increase in offerings : steady — used especially of commodities, securities, and interest rates
  (3) of electric power : dependable or flowing steadily because supplemented by a reserve source
  (1) : not easily moved, shaken, excited, or disturbed : unshaken, convinced, determined
   < firm nerves >
   < a firm believer in democracy >
   < firm confidence in his own ability >
  (2) : not fickle or vacillating : steadfast, loyal, constant
   < a firm friend >
   < firm in his devotion >
  (3) : making no concessions : showing no weakness : unyielding, rigorous, inflexible, severe, hard
   < a firm and even tough diplomacy — Hugh Gaitskell >
   < when a strong hand must be used, be impersonal but firm — Dorothy Barclay >
   < firm discipline — L.C.Douglas >
  (1) : not easily challenged or undone : assured, secure, strong
   < took firm possession of the enemy's trenches >
   < holds a firm position as the country's leading poet >
   < this horse is a firm favorite for the big race >
  (2) : well-founded, certain
   < the fuller and firmer account would have set several facts in clearer … perspective — A.S.P.Woodhouse >
   : thorough
   < he has a firm knowledge of the subject >
  (3) : marked by solidity, precision, or clarity : convincingly, realistically, or solidly drawn
   < the plot is thin, but the atmosphere is firm — Nicola Chiaromonte >
   < the deep richness of the book … and its firm design — W.T.Scott >
3. : indicating firmness or resolution
 < the firm almost arrogant voice of a vigorous young man — E.K.Genn >
 < a firm mouth >
 hard, solid: firm may apply to a resistant tight compactness or resilient consistency of substance withstanding strain, stress, or pressure; it may imply stability or resolution
  < a firm weave >
  < a firm foundation >
  < the snow, far from being soft and powdery, was firm and hard — John Hunt & Edmund Hillary >
  < only the pier actually hit was demolished; the adjoining piers stood firm — O.S.Nock >
  < he stood firm on recommendations he believed were to the city's benefit, often in the face of popular opposition — Current Biography >
  < she was firm and determined with a firmness that was impervious to assault >
  hard may apply to a strong and rigid resistance to pressure or a sound unyielding stability; it may imply unyielding or harsh obduracy
  < hard coal >
  < hard wood >
  < hard cash >
  < a hard man to deal with >
  < the oppressive conflict between esthetic values and a hard materialistic view of nature and human nature — Victor Lowe >
  solid, as opposed to fluid, indicates a density and coherence giving fixed form; as opposed to flimsy or unsubstantial, it indicates strong sound stability; in reference to persons, it may imply complete reliability or sobriety
  < a solid substance >
  < the bungalow was a very solid one — Rudyard Kipling >
  < courses that are solid in purpose and preparation and that are backed up with a maximum of good scholarship — Elizabeth Jacobs >
  < all we knew was that there was something of force and majesty and authority, solid, consistent, and beautiful — R.A.Cram >
II. adverb
Etymology: Middle English ferm, ferme, from ferm, ferme, adjective
: fixedly, steadfastly, solidly, firmly — used chiefly in the phrases stand firm and hold firm
 < if England had not stood firm … our way of life would have gone up the flue — Richard Joseph >
 < begged his men to hold firm till relief came >
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English fermen, firmen, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French fermer, from Latin firmare, from firmus
transitive verb
  (1) : to cause to become firm in texture or consistency : made solid or compact
   < firm cheese >
   < firming a light soil by rolling or harrowing — F.D.Smith & Barbara Wilcox >
   < a new face cream that firms your skin >
  (2) : to make fast or secure : set firmly : tighten
   < firm a post in the ground >
   < firming the grip on the sword — Tom Lea >
 b. : to bolster the courage or resources of : strengthen in some way : encourage
  < firmed herself with great care for the day — R.O.Bowen >
  — often used with up
  < voted a state of siege to firm up his government — Time >
  < unless other factors firm up the … price index substantially, it goes down — Wall Street Journal >
  < his failure to firm up his materialism … with data from the natural and social sciences — P.B.Rice >
 c. : settle
  < firm a contract >
  : confirm, establish
2. obsolete : sign, validate
intransitive verb
1. : to become firm in some way : take clear, definite, or fixed shape : harden, crystallize, jell
 < his face firmed and he spoke with restrained anger >
 < confidence is firming that the slump will be of short duration >
— often used with up
 < opinion on this is firming up, and it's more optimistic than it was — Kiplinger Washington Letter >
 < the cheese is firming >
 < diplomats said more informal soundings must take place before things firm up — New York Herald Tribune >
2. : to recover from a decline : expand or rise after a contraction or fall
 < after a long decline prices are firming again >
— often used with up
 < cattle prices are firming up >
 < the market firmed up a bit >
IV. noun
Etymology: Spanish firma, from firmar to affirm, confirm, sign, from Latin firmare
1. obsolete : signature; especially : official signature of state papers
2. [German firma, from obsolete German, signature, from Italian, from firmare to sign, from Latin firmare to make firm, confirm]
 a. : the name, title, or style under which a company transacts business : the firm name
 b. : a partnership of two or more persons not recognized as a legal person distinct from the members composing it — compare company 3
 c. : a business unit or enterprise
  < the organizational framework within which the Soviet firm operates — Holland Hunter >




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