

单词 fixture
释义 fix·ture
\ˈfikschə(r)\ noun
Etymology: modification (influenced by mixture) of Late Latin fixura, from Latin fixus + -ura -ure
1. : the act of fixing : the state of being fixed
 < its final definite fixture for the 25th was probably due to an attempt to harmonize it with the pre-Christian Roman calendar — G.G.Coulton >
 a. : something that is fixed or attached as a permanent appendage or a structural part
  < hanging glass fixtures >
  < a plumbing fixture >
 specifically : an electric lighting device usually ornamental and permanently mounted in place
  < fixtures providing enough light to read by >
  (1) : a device for supporting work during machining without guiding the cutting tools
  (2) : a similar device for holding parts in the correct position during assembly or testing
  (1) : a chattel that has been so wrought into or annexed to realty (as a house) that it may be regarded as legally a part of it usually depending upon such considerations as whether it may be removed without irreparable damage, whether the parties (as landlord and tenant) regarded or are presumed by law to have regarded it as removable, whether its annexation was intended to be permanent and to further the purposes for which the structure is designed, or whether its annexation is really necessary to the contemplated use of the structure or only ornamental or convenient — called also immovable fixture; opposed to fitting
  (2) : such a chattel still legally the property of the annexer — called also movable fixture
  (3) : a chattel (as shelving or machinery) annexed to realty for purposes of trade or manufacture and legally still the property of the annexer — called also trade fixture
 d. : an accessory or article that serves a special purpose
  < an efficient cooking stove … alone represented the twentieth century in the fixtures of the house — Arnold Bennett >
  < this new display fixture has been carefully designed to build you year-round sales — Circle & Monogram >
  (1) : one of a scheduled series of sporting events (as a game, contest, race)
   < the winner will then meet the leader of the western section where several fixtures have still to be played — Weekly Scotsman >
  (2) : a regularly scheduled event (as a festival or exhibition)
   < a three-monthly classified calendar of fixturesBritain: Information & Events >
   < submitting a fairly large team of 2 1/2-year-old rams at this fixtureWestralian Farmers Co-op. Gazette >
   < racegoers feel there should be more fixtures there — Sydney (Australia) Bulletin >
 b. : a familiar, invariably present, or permanent item, element, or feature in some particular setting
  < a simile so vivid that it has become a fixture in anthologies — Bernard DeVoto >
  < resolved to make foreign economic aid a budget fixture as long as the cold war lasts — Newsweek >
 especially : a person of long and continued association (as through residence or employment) with some place, activity, or other setting
  < now a fixture in the stock department, being a member of the office force there — Nightmare >
  < the year in which he became a fixture at second base — Current Biography >
  < a fixture in most rosters of the world's best-dressed women — Time >




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