

单词 root
释义 root
I. \ˈrü]t, ˈru̇], usu ]d.+V\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English rot, root, from Old English rōt, from Old Norse; akin to Old English wyrt herb, plant, root, Old High German wurz herb, plant, Old Norse urt herb, Gothic waurts root, Latin radix root, Greek rhadix branch, rhiza root, Tocharian B witsako, Albanian rrânzë
 a. : the portion of the plant body of a seed plant that originates usually from the radicle at the extremity of the hypocotyl, functions as an organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage or as a means of anchorage and support, and differs from a stem in lacking nodes, buds, and leaves, in possessing an endodermis and a protective cap over the apical meristem, and in producing its branches normally in acropetal succession
  (1) : a subterranean part of a plant (as a true root, bulb, tuber, rootstock, or other modified stem); specifically : a large fleshy edible root or similar organ (as a carrot, turnip, radish, potato)
  (2) : the substance, material, or tissue of a root — often used in combination
   < beetroot >
  (3) roots plural, Britain : root crops
2. : something that resembles a root in position or function especially as a source of nourishment or as a support: as
 a. : the part of a tooth lying within the socket; also : any of the processes into which this part is often divided — see tooth illustration
 b. : the enlarged basal part of a hair consisting of the hair follicle, papilla, and developing hair shaft that lie within the skin
 c. : the proximal end of a nerve; especially : one or more bundles of nerve fibers joining the cranial and spinal nerves with their respective nuclei and gray columns — see dorsal root, ventral root
 d. : the part of an organ or physical structure by which it is attached to the body
  < root of a nail >
  (1) : the origin or cause of a condition, tendency, or quality
   < tackling not only the psychological and emotional causes of race conflicts but also their economic roots — M.F.A.Montagu >
   < the root of civil violence lay in the unequal distribution of the land — Current Biography >
  specifically : an attribute that brings about an action or condition
   < the love of money is the root of all evil — 1 Tim 6:10 (Authorized Version) >
   < from the root of hate grows war >
  (2) : the line of evolutionary development of a condition, trend, or branch of human activity — usually used in plural
   < although its roots go back … before the 19th century, fascism emerged after World War I — Collier's Year Book >
  (1) : a race, family, or progenitor that is the source or beginning of a group or line of descendants
   < should be the root and father of many kings — Shakespeare >
   < the roots out of which sprang two distinct people — John Locke >
   < the roots of science, however, ran deep, stretching back to the period before the appearance of civilization — S.F.Mason >
   < beginnings of these types of literature had roots reaching well back — R.A.Hall b. 1911 >
  (2) obsolete : a descendant or offshoot of a line or family : scion
  (1) : the underlying support or foundation of something : basis
   < respect for the rights and intelligence of others which is the root of the democratic society — Official Register of Harvard University >
   < has loosened the roots of the slave system — C.L.Carmer >
   < have created a real opposition, which is the main root of continued social peace — H.J.Laski >
   < nourishing a strong root of loyalty >
   < tear out the evil by the roots >
  (2) : a culture or cultural tradition underlying subsequent related cultures in a limited area
 d. : the inner core or essential nature or part of something : heart
  < root of the matter >
  < delving into the roots of the inner life — R.W.Southern >
  < the two dogmas are identical at root — Albert Hofstadter >
 e. : an indigenous relationship or close and sympathetic bond usually with or in the social environment : tie — usually used in plural
  < the feeling that modern life has no roots — E.R.Bentley >
  < depriving youngsters of that extra stability which comes when roots can grow in one place — Martha M. Eliot >
  < industrial workers who would never put their roots down in the countryside — Sam Pollock >
 a. : the time (as a birth date, the position of a planet, or a point in time) from which to reckon in making astronomical or astrological calculations
  (1) : a quantity that when taken as a factor the number of times indicated by the index produces another quantity
   < either +3 or -3 is a second root of 9 because either taken twice as a factor produces 9 >
  (2) : a value that when substituted for the unknown quantity in an equation satisfies the equation
  (1) : the base or lower part of a material thing : bottom
   < root of a hill >
   < roots of the sea >
  (2) : the basal extension of a geological formation
   < lateral compression … forces the granitic part of the crust downward to form a solid root — W.H.Bucher >
 b. : the part of a material thing by which it is attached to something else: as
  (1) : the part of a weir or dam adjoining or penetrating the bank or sides of a stream or river
  (2) : the portion of an airplane wing nearest the fuselage
  (3) : the portion of the blade of a propeller or rotor nearest the hub
  (1) : the simple element inferred as the basis from which a word is derived by phonetic change or by extension (as composition and addition of a prefix, suffix, inflectional ending, or replacive)
  (2) : the simple element (as Latin sta) inferred as common to all the words of a group in a language (as in Latin stamus “we stand” with a personal ending, sistimus “we place” with reduplication and personal ending, statio “standing place” with a suffix, and constituere “to establish” with a prefix) or in related languages
 b. : the sequence of consonants recurring with various vowel sequences and affixes in a set of related words in Semitic
 c. : a meaningful morpheme (as hold) especially as recurring with various affixes or replacives in grammatically different forms (as holds, held, beholders, withholding)
 a. : the musical tone from whose harmonics or overtones a chord is composed
 b. : the lowest tone of a chord in its normal position
 a. : the part of an open gear tooth between the pitch circle and the minor diameter
  (1) : the surface between the threads at the minor diameter of a screw or at the major diameter of a nut — compare crest 6
  (2) : a similar surface on the blading of a turbine
9. : the bottom zone of the space provided for a fusion weld
10. slang : a kick usually delivered to the posterior
 < caught him a great root with his boot on the backside — Bruce Marshall >
Synonyms: see origin
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English roten, from rot, root, n.
transitive verb
 a. : to furnish with or enable to develop roots
  < root the seedlings in the hotbed >
  < two deeply rooted and far-flung cultures — A.W.Hummel >
 b. : to fix or firmly attach by or as if by roots
  < the lichen is rooted to the rock >
  < he stands rooted to the spot >
  < as firmly rooted to their homesteads as the stone walls and fences — American Guide Series: New Jersey >
  < pension and seniority rights root workers to their jobs — Jules Abels >
 c. : to set firmly or establish usually by implanting in something
  < a peace rooted in justice and law — H.S.Truman >
  < lack of a well-rooted tradition — R.W.Southern >
  < the rooted beliefs of a lifetime are not easily shaken — T.B.Costain >
  < rooted in love, he grows and lives in peace >
  < wants to root his work in the reality of his own time — M.D.Geismar >
 d. : to furnish or give an origin or cause to (an action or development)
  < a neurosis … is often rooted in some childhood difficulty — Irish Digest >
  < many dental ailments are rooted in psychosomatic disturbance — Collier's Year Book >
  < her problems are rooted in temperament rather than economic handicaps — E.B.George >
2. : to pull, tear out, or remove often by force : root out
 < root these evils from the land >
 < launched his jet at the gun and tried to root it from its cave — J.A.Michener >
intransitive verb
1. : to grow roots in or as if in the earth : to strike or take root
 < seedlings root quickly with plenty of water and sunlight >
 < prevent a few viruses from rooting in nerve endings — Monsanto Magazine >
 < theories … rooting in the savage mind, growing up strongly — Emma Hawkridge >
2. : to become fixed or firmly established : to establish oneself
 < now I'll redeem my error and root forever here — Samuel Foote >
 < the patriots in whom the stock of freedom roots — R.W.Emerson >
 < the new science of human behavior roots in the study of concrete cases — H.A.Overstreet >
3. : to have or find an origin, basis, or cause in something
 < the sin of self-righteousness which not infrequently roots in sectional pride — B.G.Gallagher >
 < like everything else in human conduct, gesture roots in the reactive necessities of the organism — Edward Sapir >
III. verb
Etymology: alteration (influenced by root) (I) of earlier wroot, from Middle English wroten, from Old English wrōtan; akin to Middle Low German wrōten to root, Middle Dutch wroeten, Old High German ruozzen, Old Norse rōta to root, and probably to Old English wrītan to incise, write — more at write
intransitive verb
1. : to turn up or dig in the earth with the snout : grub
 < root, hog, or die >
 < pigs rooting for truffles >
 < fish rooting in the mud for food >
2. : to poke or dig down or into usually in search of something
 < chickens rooting about in the rubbish — Alan Moorehead >
 < rooted in the bog and began to eat the cherries — Katherine Mansfield >
 < rooting about in the kitchen — Valentine Williams >
transitive verb
: root out
 < the razor-back type was able to root its living and do battle with … most foes — E.D.Ross >
IV. intransitive verb
Etymology: perhaps alteration of rout (V)
1. : to shout for or otherwise noisily applaud or encourage a contestant or team : cheer
 < a band of students rooting for the school football team — Lucius Garvin >
 < going to the races to root for her brown colt — Time >
2. : to wish for the success of or lend support to someone or something
 < can't be successful unless everyone loves him and roots for him — Delmore Schwartz >
 < the communities which it served were rooting for it — S.H.Adams >




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