释义 |
flaunt I. \ˈflȯnt, -ä-, -ȧ-\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian dialect flanta to gad about; akin to Old Norse flana to rush heedlessly, Greek planasthai to wander — more at planet intransitive verb 1. : to wave or flutter showily < their flag flaunts in the breeze > < scarlet tulips flaunting in the spring sun > 2. a. : to display or obtrude oneself to public notice especially by reason of excessive or gaudy finery or impropriety of behavior : seek to attract attention especially by appearing or acting brash and brazen < a pair of pretty girls giggling and flaunting on the street corner > b. : to make a showy appearance : stand out brightly or distinctly < warm short days flaunting with dahlia and marigold — C.G.Glover > transitive verb 1. : to display ostentatiously < the winners flaunting their victory > : make an impudent show of : parade 2. : to treat contemptuously : flout < flaunt army regulations > Synonyms: see show II. noun (-s) 1. : act of flaunting : display 2. obsolete : something displayed for vain show < in these my borrowed flaunts — Shakespeare > |