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flaw I. \ˈflȯ\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English flaw, flawe, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish flaga flaw, flake, Old Norse flaga slab; akin to Old English flēan to skin — more at flay 1. obsolete : flake, fragment, bit < this heart shall break into a hundred thousand flaws — Shakespeare > 2. : a faulty part : crack, breach, gap, fissure < a flaw in a gem or a vase > < a flaw in a bar of steel > 3. : a fault or defect especially in a character or a piece of work < the greatest flaw in his plan was failure to anticipate costs > < a complexion without a flaw > especially : a fault in a legal paper that may nullify it < a flaw in a will > < found a flaw in the statute > 4. Scotland : lie, fib 5. chiefly Scotland : a thin layer of turf or peat 6. : a nearly vertical geological fault transverse to the strike of the rocks and characterized by horizontal displacement Synonyms: see blemish II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. : to make flaws in : crack < a flawed diamond > < the brazen caldrons with the frosts are flawed — John Dryden > 2. : to make a breach or defect in : violate, nullify < flaw an agreement > < France hath flawed the league — Shakespeare > intransitive verb : to become defective : crack, break < pavements warping and flawing in the heat > < columns of smoke that … flawed suddenly in the canyon wind — W.V.T.Clark > III. noun (-s) Etymology: of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian flaga gust, squall; akin to Middle High German & Middle Low German vlage gust, attack, Lithuanian plakti to beat, Latin plangere to beat — more at plaint 1. : a sudden burst of wind of short duration with or without rain or snow < the wind changed with flaws from westward — Archibald MacLeish > also : a spell of stormy weather 2. obsolete : an outburst especially of passion or anger : a sudden tumult or disorder |