

单词 phony
释义 pho·ny
I. adjective
or pho·ney \ˈfōnē, -ni\
(phonier ; phoniest)
Etymology: origin unknown
: marked by empty pretension : false, spurious
 < a perpetually phony front of good fellowship is assumed — V.A.Young >
Synonyms: see counterfeit
II. noun
or phoney \“\
(plural phonies or phoneys)
: one that is fraudulent or spurious : fake, sham
 < this political issue — absenteeism — is a phony if there ever was one — T.R.Ybarra >
 < he who writes or composes without the true inner fire … will always be a phony — H.W.Van Loon >
III. transitive verb
or phoney \“\
(phonied or phoneyed ; phonied or phoneyed ; phonying or phoneying ; phonies or phoneys)
: counterfeit, fake
 < no one could phony a list like that — Frances Lindley >




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