

单词 flow
释义 flow
I. \ˈflō\ verb
(flowed \-ōd\ ; flowed \“\ ; also archaic flown \-ōn\ ; flowing ; flows)
Etymology: Middle English flowen, from Old English flōwan; akin to Old High German flouwen to rinse, wash, Old Norse flōa to flow, Latin pluere to rain, Greek plein to sail, float, Sanskrit plavate he swims
intransitive verb
 a. : to issue in a stream : gush, spring, well
 b. : to move with a continual change of place among the constituent particles or parts : run, stream — used of fluids and of plastic or particulate bodies that move like fluids
  < the grain flowed smoothly down the elevator chute >
  < water flowing over a dam >
  < molasses flows slowly in cold weather >
 c. of paint or other coatings : to spread out in a uniform layer without holding brush or other applicator marks
  < this paint flows very well with a roller >
 a. obsolete : to become liquid : fuse, melt
 b. : to deform under stress without cracking, breaking, or rupturing — used of certain solids (as metals or rocks)
3. of water : to rise especially in the influx of a tide — often opposed to ebb
 < the tide flows twice and ebbs twice in each 24 hours >
 a. : to issue forth : arise, proceed — usually used with from
  < his authority does not flow from his office alone >
  < wealth continues to flow from our commerce and industry >
 b. : to move in or as if in a stream — usually used with adverbs of direction
  < money continued to flow in >
 a. : to be in abundance or excess : abound
  < a land flowing with natural resources >
  < wine flowed freely all evening >
  < rivers flowing with fish >
 b. : to fill to overflowing
  < her heart flowed with gratitude >
 a. : to move or proceed smoothly and without harshness or asperities
  < his speech flowed on to a summation >
  : issue easily or freely
  < words flowed from him as if from a faucet >
 b. : to have such a contour as to suggest a graceful unimpeded uninterrupted movement
  < the flowing lines of the car >
  < the dress flowed and shimmered >
7. : to hang loose and floating
 < his cloak flowed from his shoulders >
 < fair hair flowing in the light air >
8. : to menstruate especially profusely
transitive verb
 a. : to cause to flow
  < flowing oil over the swamp to kill mosquito larvae >
 b. : to spread (as paint) in a thick layer without brushing out thinly in the usual manner
 c. : to cause or permit (an oil or gas well) to produce
2. : to cover (as land) with water or other liquid : flood, inundate
 < flow land for irrigation >
3. : to discharge (something) in a flow
 < brought in a new oil well that flowed 100 barrels a day >
 < the cut flowed blood for some time >
4. : to run (molten metal) through a foundry mold to carry off bubbles, slag, and dross
5. : to slack the sheet of (a sail) to spill the wind
Synonyms: see spring

- flow by heads
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from flowen, v.
1. : the act or manner of flowing (as of a liquid)
 < a sudden flow of tears >
 < the chuckling flow of rills and brooklets >
 a. : the regular inflowing of tidal waters towards the shore
 b. : overflowing, inundation; especially : one regularly recurring (as along the course of the Nile)
 a. : an easy smooth and uninterrupted progress or movement (as of thought, music, traffic) suggesting the steady flow of water in a river
  < ideas arose in a steady flow as he worked >
  < a pleasing flow of distant melody >
  < there has been a satisfactory flow of capital to new enterprises >
 b. : the progressive travel of material for manufacture or of semifinished or of finished product from place to place or from operation to operation
4. : a stream of water or other fluid or a mass of matter (as lava) that has flowed when molten
 < a rubble flow >
broadly : stream
 a. : the quantity (as of water) that flows in a certain time under specified conditions
  < a system able to handle a flow of 100 gallons a second >
 b. : the percentage increase in diameter of a mass of concrete or mortar when subjected to a standardized flow-test procedure including a prescribed flow table
6. : form or arrangement suggesting a gentle unbroken movement
 < the flow of her hair over her shoulders >
 < the draperies forming a continuous graceful flow across the three windows >
7. : the ability of a paint, varnish, or other coating to flow out to a smooth film
 a. : menstrual discharge : menstruation
 b. : production of a fluid or an instance of such production
  < a good flow of milk >
  < the fall flow of honey >
  < a good sap flow last spring >
 a. : the motion characteristic of gases, liquids, and viscous solids in which there is freedom of motion among constituent particles and change of form under the action of forces — see laminar flow, streamline flow, turbulent flow
 b. : a continuous transfer of energy (as of electricity or heat)
 stream, current, flood, tide, flux: flow designates the characteristic movement of a fluid, gentle or rapid, copious or meager, showing unbroken continuity
  < the flow of water from the pipe >
  < the flow of lava from the volcano >
  < the steady flow of casualties from the front >
  < she helped Ruth into her coat, keeping up a cheerful flow of conversation — B.A.Williams >
  stream may focus attention on constant succession of individual units or on their volume or speed
  < a stream of water through the cellar wall >
  < a continuous stream of messages came in by courier — Irving Stone >
  < the stream of immigration turned toward middle and west Tennessee, where soils were deep and rich — American Guide Series: Tennessee >
  < Riverside Drive and the Henry Hudson Parkway with their constant stream of cars — American Guide Series: New York City >
  current strongly suggests the fact of running or flowing in a set direction with noticeable force
  < the main current of the stream >
  < the Labrador current in the Atlantic >
  < the current of air from the ventilator >
  < there are thus indications in the New Testament of several cross currents of thought, political and social, in the early Christian church — C.H.McIlwain >
  flood suggests abundant copiousness or torrential power
  < the trickle became a stream and then a floodAmerican Guide Series: Oregon >
  < the rising flood of students is very much like the barbarian invasions — Douglas Bush >
  < a flood of war orders that strained the capacity of factories long idle — Oscar Handlin >
  tide may suggest either surging power or periodic alternation of direction
  < the deadly glittering tide of Spanish conquest surged into Central and So. America — Marjory S. Douglas >
  < the tide of traffic flow recedes very rapidly and the movement of people out of doors after midnight is almost negligible — H.E.Agnew >
  < she was on the threshold of womanhood, borne this way and that by conflicting tides of feeling — Ruth Park >
  flux stresses constant change, sometimes in components, sometimes in direction
  < a brief illusion of stability in the eternal flux — P.E.More >
  < as far as nature is to us more than a flux lacking order in its mutable changes, as far as it is more than a whirlpool of confusions, it is marked by rhythms — John Dewey >
III. \ˈfləu̇\ noun
Etymology: of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse flōi wide mouth of a river, swampy place, Danish flo marsh; derivatives from the root of Old Norse flōa to flow — more at flow I
1. chiefly Scotland : a wet swamp or bog : morass
2. chiefly Scotland : an arm or basin of the sea — used chiefly in place names
 < Scapa Flow >
3. Scotland : a small amount




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