释义 |
flu·id·i·ty \-dəd.ē, -dətē, -i\ noun (-es) Etymology: probably from French fluidité, from Middle French, from fluide fluid + -ité -ity — more at fluid 1. a. : the quality, state, or degree of being fluid : a liquid or gaseous state b. : the physical property of a substance that enables it to flow and that is a measure of the rate at which it is deformed by a shearing stress as contrasted with viscosity : the reciprocal of viscosity 2. : changeable or unstable quality: as a. : easy adaptability : flexibility < showed the fluidity of his mind by changing it frequently > b. : smooth flowing quality (as of language) < the graceful fluidity of the rhythm > c. : tendency to movement of population into or out of an area; often : the recurrent ebb and flow of population (as between an urban industrial and a suburban residential area) |