释义 |
flu·o·rom·e·ter \flu̇(ə)ˈräməd.ə(r), flōˈ-, flȯˈ-\ noun or flu·o·rim·e·ter \-rim-\ Etymology: fluor- + -meter : an instrument that measures fluorescence and is used especially to determine intensities of radiations (as X rays) from the fluorescence they produce or concentrations of substances (as uranium or vitamins of the B complex) capable of forming fluorescent compounds • flu·o·ro·met·ric \|flu̇(ə)rə|me.trik, |flōr-, |flȯr-\ adjective • flu·o·ro·met·ri·cal·ly \-trə̇k(ə)lē\ adverb • flu·o·rom·e·try \flu̇(ə)ˈrämə.trē, flōˈ-, flȯˈ-\ noun -es |