单词 | royal |
释义 | roy·al I. 1. a. < English princes of the blood royal — Virginia Cowles > b. < the limitation of royal power under a constitutional monarchy > < a special train for the queen and members of the royal party > < the prince and his bride honeymooned on the royal yacht > < courts had been effectively centralized under royal control — C.H.McIlwain > c. < royal title > < royal crown > < royal crest > d. < giraffes rank as royal game — L.G.Green > e. < royal prosecutor > < Royal Air Force > 2. a. < there is something … royal in the stately carriage of a stag's head — R.F.Kilvert > < was treated with the royal acclaim of a visiting statesman — W.A.White > < coffee royal … with brandy or whiskey mixed up in it — J.W.Ellison b.1929 > b. archaic < the royal dynasty of the apostles — J.H.Newman > c. < there is no royal road to logic and really valuable ideas can only be had at the price of close attention — Justus Buchler > 3. a. < the lion is a royal beast > b. < wielded a patronage of royal dimensions — J.H.Plumb > < a battle royal that covers miles and lasts for hours — Arthur Knight > < stop being such a royal pain in the neck — F.C.Thorne > c. (1) < a royal view > < cow of royal breeding — American Guide Series: Minnesota > (2) < would have a royal time … sailing the wherry — Archibald Marshall > d. < place the crowns on the royal pair … elected by popular campus vote — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News > 4. a. < Royal Academy > < the Royal Burghs of Scotland > < Massachusetts was once a royal colony > < Royal Swedish Yacht Club > b. < whatsoever she asked … Solomon gave her of his royal bounty — 1 Kings 10:13 (Authorized Version) > < honored by several royal visits — T.B.Macaulay > 5. 6. < royal gases > < royal metals > II. 1. a. b. 2. a. b. 3. 4. < there are … titles for all spouses of royals — V.W.Turner > 5. 6. 7. a. b. : royal flush c. 8. or royal blue a. b. of textiles c. d. 9. < mast-straight royals lining the avenue — C.S.Lloyd > 10. |
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