

单词 royal
释义 roy·al
I. \ˈrȯi(ə)l, ˈrȯ(i)yəl\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin regalis of a king, royal, regal, from reg-, rex king + -alis -al; akin to Sanskrit rājan king, Old Irish (gen. rīg), Latin regere to guide, rule — more at right
 a. : of kingly ancestry : belonging to royalty
  < English princes of the blood royal — Virginia Cowles >
 b. : of, relating to, owned by, or subject to the jurisdiction of the crown
  < the limitation of royal power under a constitutional monarchy >
  < a special train for the queen and members of the royal party >
  < the prince and his bride honeymooned on the royal yacht >
  < courts had been effectively centralized under royal control — C.H.McIlwain >
 c. : indicative of royalty
  < royal title >
  < royal crown >
  < royal crest >
 d. : reserved for the sovereign : not to be hunted or captured without a license from the crown
  < giraffes rank as royal game — L.G.Green >
 e. : being in the crown's service
  < royal prosecutor >
  < Royal Air Force >
 a. : of a nobility or splendor worthy of royalty : magnificent, regal
  < there is something … royal in the stately carriage of a stag's head — R.F.Kilvert >
  < was treated with the royal acclaim of a visiting statesman — W.A.White >
  < coffee royal … with brandy or whiskey mixed up in it — J.W.Ellison b.1929 >
 b. archaic : limited to a chosen few : elite
  < the royal dynasty of the apostles — J.H.Newman >
 c. : requiring no exertion : marked by special privilege : easy
  < there is no royal road to logic and really valuable ideas can only be had at the price of close attention — Justus Buchler >
 a. : having attributes of royalty : majestic
  < the lion is a royal beast >
 b. : of great size or magnitude : big, imposing
  < wielded a patronage of royal dimensions — J.H.Plumb >
  < a battle royal that covers miles and lasts for hours — Arthur Knight >
  < stop being such a royal pain in the neck — F.C.Thorne >
  (1) : of superior quality : excellent, superb
   < a royal view >
   < cow of royal breeding — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
  (2) : of a highly pleasurable kind : glorious
   < would have a royal time … sailing the wherry — Archibald Marshall >
 d. : playing the part of royalty
  < place the crowns on the royal pair … elected by popular campus vote — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News >
 a. : established or chartered by the crown : enjoying the king's patronage
  < Royal Academy >
  < the Royal Burghs of Scotland >
  < Massachusetts was once a royal colony >
  < Royal Swedish Yacht Club >
 b. : granted or performed by the king
  < whatsoever she asked … Solomon gave her of his royal bounty — 1 Kings 10:13 (Authorized Version) >
  < honored by several royal visits — T.B.Macaulay >
5. : of, relating to, or being a part (as a mast, sail, or yard) next above the topgallant — see ship illustration
6. : resisting chemical action : noble
 < royal gases >
 < royal metals >
II. noun
 a. : royal antler
 b. : a stag of eight years or more having antlers with at least twelve points
 a. : ryal 1
 b. : real IV
3. : a small sail on the royal mast that is the highest usually carried on a square-rigged ship and is located immediately above the topgallant sail — see sail illustration
4. : a royal personage
 < there are … titles for all spouses of royals — V.W.Turner >
5. : a standard British size of paper usually 20 × 25 or 19 × 24 inches
6. : change ringing on ten bells
 a. : a blue or green crown used as the symbol for the fifth suit in some five-suit packs of playing cards
 b. : royal flush
 c. : royal spade
8. or royal blue
 a. : a variable color averaging a vivid purplish blue
 b. of textiles : a deep blue that is duller than Yale blue and redder and duller than imperial blue
 c. : smalt 2
 d. : prussian blue 2
9. : royal palm
 < mast-straight royals lining the avenue — C.S.Lloyd >
10. [translation of French royale] : royale 2




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