释义 |
flute I. \ˈflüt, usu -üd.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English floute, from Middle French flaute, flahute, fleute, from Old Provençal flaut, perhaps alteration (influenced by laut lute) of flaujol, flauja, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin flabeolum — more at lute, flageolet 1. : a wind instrument stopped at one end with a vibrating air column used as a means of tone production: a. : recorder b. : an orchestral instrument consisting of a hollow cylinder with finger holes along its length, with a lateral hole for blowing into, and with a compass of three octaves up from the middle C — called also transverse flute 2. : flutist; usually : a flute player in a band or orchestra 3. : any of various flute-shaped things: as a. : a long French breakfast roll b. or flute glass : a tall slender wineglass c. : a long shuttle used in weaving tapestry d. : a grooved or ridged pleat used especially in ruffles, edgings, or hat brims e. : a groove (as in a reamer, twist drill, or tap) parallel or nearly parallel to the axis of a cylindrical piece 4. : a groove of curved section: as a. : any of a series of vertical grooves used to decorate columns and pilasters in classical architecture b. : any of various similar ornamental grooves (as on furniture or silverware) c. : one of the parallel grooves in corrugated board or glass (as in the lens of a headlight) d. (1) : a natural groove or channel on a rock surface (as in a cave) (2) flutes plural : scalloped or rippled rock surfaces — called also fluting 5. : a molder's tool for forming grooves 6. or flute stop : a flue pipe-organ stop of flute quality and of 8-foot or 4-foot pitch
[flute 1b] II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English flouten, from Middle French flauter, from flaute intransitive verb : to play on or as if on a flute : make a sound like that of a flute transitive verb 1. : to play, whistle, or sing with a clear soft note like that of a flute 2. : to form flutes in (as the shaft of a column or the crust of a pie) III. noun (-s) Etymology: Dutch fluit, literally, flute, from Middle Dutch flūte, fleute, floite, from Old French flaute, flahute, fleute — more at flute I 1. : a flyboat usually with a narrow cabin not projecting beyond the rudderhead 2. : a former partially armed naval transport |