释义 |
cu·po·la I. \ˈkyüpələ, ÷-pəˌlō sometimes ÷ˈkü- or ÷-pyə-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Italian, from Latin cupula little tub, small burying vault, diminutive of cupa tub — more at hive 1. a. : a rounded vault raised on a circular or other base and forming a roof or a ceiling — compare dome b. : a small structure built on top of a roof to provide interior lighting, to serve as a lookout, or for ornamental purposes : lantern 2. : a vertical cylindrical furnace for melting iron in the foundry having tuyeres and tapping spouts near the bottom 3. : cupula 4. : dome 4f 5. : beehive kiln 6. : a geological dome projecting from a batholith 7. a. : a revolving armored turret of a tank or pillbox for fire or observation b. : blister 8b 8. : an observation post in the roof of a railroad caboose used by brakemen to keep watch over a train while it is in motion II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) : to furnish with a cupola |