释义 |
foot·ing \ˈfu̇d.]iŋ, -u̇t], ]ēŋ\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English foting, footing, from fot, foot + -ing 1. : a stable position of the feet : a surface or its condition with respect to one walking or running on it < the loose stones made the footing treacherous > specifically : the condition of a racetrack 2. : the placing of the feet so as to ensure stability < be careful of your footing up here > : ability to keep a grip with the feet on a surface so as to stay upright or move steadily forward < lost her footing and tumbled down the slope > 3. : footling 4. a. : a place or space for standing : basis for operations : foothold < a deliberate act of policy … in order to stake a claim for a footing in Morocco — Wickham Steed > b. : established position : status < finally achieved a footing at court > < placing the children of a former marriage on the same footing, with regard to inheritance — Encyc. Americana > c. archaic : payment exacted informally for entering upon a new status in a trade or profession : an initiation fee — used chiefly in the phrase pay one's footing 5. : basis < negotiating on a new footing of mutual trust > < put the enterprise on a firm footing > < when the nation is on a war footing — Zechariah Chafee > 6. : social relationship : terms of social intercourse < tribes that are on a friendly footing — Edward Sapir > < throwing our ideals overboard and meeting saints and dictators on the same footing — New Statesman and Nation > 7. a. : the substructure or bottom unit of a wall or column : base b. : the part of a structure that is in contact with the soil or rock foundation c. : an enlargement at the lower end of a foundation wall, pier, or column to distribute the load 8. a. : the straight side of an edging lace b. : a very narrow lace or net used as an insertion, edging, or trimming 9. : a piece of hardwood inserted into an arrow shaft and projecting into the pile 10. : the amount or sum total of a column of figures |