释义 |
fore·head \ˈfȯrə̇d, ˈfärə̇d; ˈfōrˌhed, ˈfȯrˌh-, ˈfōəˌh-, ˈfȯ(ə)ˌh-; sometimes ˈfȯˌred or ˈfäˌred\ noun Etymology: Middle English forheved, forhed, from Old English forhēafod, from for-, fore- fore- + hēafod head — more at head 1. : the part of the face above the eyes : brow 2. : the aspect or countenance as expressing emotion or personal qualities (as of assurance or effrontery or sometimes modesty) 3. : the front or forepart of something < flames in the forehead of the morning sky — John Milton > 4. : the face of a mine working |