释义 |
for·eign I. \ˈfȯrə̇n, ˈfär-\ adjective Etymology: Middle English forein, from Old French forain, forein, from Late Latin foranus situated on the outside, from Latin foris outside + -anus -an — more at forum 1. : situated outside a place or country: as a. : situated outside one's own country < foreign nations > < foreign cities > b. : situated outside a locality under consideration (as a private estate or a township) 2. : born in, belonging to, derived from, intended for, or characteristic of some place or country (as nation) other than the one under consideration : not native or domestic < our large foreign population > < foreign art > < outgoing foreign mail > < incoming foreign mail > 3. : of, relating to, or proceeding from some other person, material thing, or substance than the one under consideration < a man cannot save himself by foreign aid > < nothing is foreign: parts relate to whole — Alexander Pope > < allergenic effects of foreign proteins > < the introduction of foreign genes in maize > < foreign matter in milk > 4. : alien in character : not connected or pertinent : lacking congruity : inappropriate < foreign to the plan > < this design is not foreign from some people's thoughts — Jonathan Swift > 5. : related to or dealing with other nations < foreign trade > < a foreign policy > < foreign dividends > 6. : occurring in an abnormal situation in the living body and commonly introduced from without < a sliver of wood under a fingernail or a coin in the esophagus are equally foreign bodies to the physician > 7. obsolete : not belonging to or concerned with one's own household or family 8. a. : not being within the sphere of operation of the laws of a country under consideration — opposed to domestic b. : not being within the sphere of operation of a locality (as a state or county) under consideration 9. a. of a ship : owned by a national of a foreign nation b. of a registry of a ship : being under the flag of a nation other than that of which the owner is a national Synonyms: see extrinsic II. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English forein, from forein, adjective 1. obsolete : foreigner : a ship of foreign origin or registry 2. obsolete : an outlying part (as of a town or monastery) 3. : a bond or other security originating in the jurisdiction of and usually issued by a foreign governing body — usually used in plural < foreigns drifted somewhat lower today > |