释义 |
fo·ren·sic I. \fəˈren(t)s]ik, (ˈ)fōr|e-, (ˈ)fȯ|re-, -nz], ]ēk\ adjective Etymology: Latin forensis of a market or forum, public, forensic (from forum market, forum) + English -ic — more at forum 1. : belonging to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate 2. : used in legal proceedings or in public discussions; broadly : argumentative, rhetorical < forensic eloquence > 3. : of or relating to forensics < an excellent forensic program > • fo·ren·si·cal·ly \]ə̇k(ə)lē, ]ēk-, -li\ adverb II. \fəˈre-, fōrˈe-, fȯˈre-\ noun (-s) 1. : an argumentative exercise in the form of a speech or thesis formerly much used as an exercise in American schools and colleges 2. forensics plural but singular or plural in construction : the art or study of argumentative discourse; sometimes : debate 2 |