释义 |
forget-me-not \ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun (-s) 1. a. : any of several small herbaceous plants constituting the genus Myosotis, having usually bright blue or white flowers arranged in a scorpioid raceme, and including some that are cultivated as ornamentals; especially : a perennial herb (M. scorpioides) with angular succulent stems, rough pubescent leaves, and sky-blue flowers with yellow centers that is prob. native to Europe but now widely distributed in temperate No. America b. : any of various plants resembling the forget-me-nots especially in clear blue color of flowers — usually used with a qualifying term; see cape forget-me-not, chinese forget-me-not 2. or forget-me-not blue a. : a variable color averaging a light blue that is greener and paler than average della Robbia blue b. : a pale to grayish blue that is greener and less strong than Alice blue — called also myosotis blue |