

单词 formal
释义 for·mal
I. \ˈfȯrməl, -ȯ(ə)m-\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English formal, formel, from Old French & Latin; Old French, from Latin formalis, from forma form + -alis -al
 a. : belonging to or being the essential constitution of a thing as distinguished from the matter composing it
  < the formal nature of a square is a relation of lines and angles rather than a matter of space or solidity >
 often : having power to make a thing what it is : constitutive, essential
  < divine goodwill is the formal cause of human aspiration >
 b. : relating to, concerned with, or constituting the outward form, superficial qualities, or arrangement of something as distinguished from its content: as
  (1) : of, relating to, or preoccupied with the material or compositional factors in art or emphasizing these over other factors (as subject matter or content)
   < a formal style in painting >
  often : having a symmetrical arrangement of elements
   < formal balance in design >
   < a formal composition >
  (2) : consisting of, based upon, evidenced by, or considering observable similarities and differences in linguistic form as distinguished from logical, a priori, semantic, comparative, or historical similarities and differences
   < the formal approach to comparative linguistics >
   < a formal classification of language >
  (3) : of, relating to, or constituting logical, epistemological, or ontological forms; also : belonging to a formalized system : syntactical
 a. : following or according with established form, custom, or rule : not deviating from what is usual or generally acceptable : conventional
  < still in constraint your suffering sex remains or bound in formal or in real chains — Alexander Pope >
  < paying formal attentions to his hostess >
 b. : done in due form : carried out with solemnity : ceremonial
  < no noble rite nor formal ostentation — Shakespeare >
  < received a formal rebuke before the whole congregation >
 c. obsolete : characterized by or formed in due order : regular
 a. : based on forms and rules, especially such as are accepted by convention : of or following a prescribed form
  < a formal exposition >
  < formal landscape architecture >
  < a formal reception >
 b. : characterized by punctilious respect for form : exact, methodical, orderly
  < a man very formal in all his dealings >
 often : constrained by reason of excessive devotion to form : prim, rigid, stiff, ceremonious
  < those stern formal even formidable ancestors locked in their rigid armor of propriety >
 c. of a legal procedure : requiring special or stipulated solemnities or formalities to become effective (as in the creating of a legal relationship)
4. obsolete
 a. : sound in mind : sane
 b. : circumstantial
5. : having the appearance without the substance : being or subject to being so construed only as a matter of form
 < formal Christians who go to church on Easter Sunday to show off their new clothes >
: nominal
 < a purely formal requirement that can be waived without trouble >
 < a formal party to a suit >
Synonyms: see ceremonial
II. noun
: something formal in character: as
 a. : a social affair (as a dance) requiring formal evening dress
  (1) : evening dress
  (2) : a man's formal evening costume
III. \fȯrˈmal\ noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from formaldehyde
1. : methylal
2. : any acetal derived from formaldehyde and an alcohol
 < butyl formal >
 < polyvinyl formal >
IV. \ˈfȯrməl\ adjective
Etymology: formula + -al
: molar III 2
 < formal concentration of a solution >




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