释义 |
for·ti·fi·ca·tion \ˌfȯ(r)d.əfə̇ˈkāshən, -)təf-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English fortificacioun, from Middle French fortification, from Late Latin fortification-, fortificatio, from fortificatus (past participle of fortificare) + Latin -ion-, -io -ion 1. : an act or process of fortifying: as a. : a strengthening by corroboration (as of a statement) or by reinforcement (as of a structure) b. : the act of furnishing (as a military post) with defensive works; also : the art or science of fortifying places or positions c. : increase in the content of an ingredient (as alcohol in wine or vitamins in flour) by addition : enrichment 2. : something that fortifies, defends, or strengthens; especially : works erected to defend a place or position |