

单词 fourteen
释义 four·teen
I. \(ˈ)fō(ə)r](t)|tēn, -ȯ(ə)r], -ōə|, -ȯ(ə)] sometimes ]d.|ēn\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English fourtene, from Old English fēowertīene, fēowertȳne, fēowertēne (akin to Old High German fiorzehan fourteen, Old Norse fjōrtān, Gothic fidwortaihun), from fēower four + -tīene, -tȳne, -tēne (from tīen, tȳn, tēn ten) — more at four, ten
: being one more than 13
 < fourteen years >
— see number table
II. pronoun, plural in construction
Etymology: Middle English fourtene, from Old English fēowertīene, fēowertȳne, fēowertēne, from fēowertīne, fēowertȳne, fēowertēne, adjective
: fourteen countable persons or things not specified but under consideration and being enumerated
 < fourteen are here >
 < fourteen were found >
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English fourtene, from Old English fēowertīene, fēowertȳne, fēowertēne, from fēowertīene, fēowertȳne, fēowertēne, adjective
1. : 10 and four : twice seven : seven times two
 a. : 14 units or objects
  < a total of fourteen >
 b. : a group or set of 14
3. : the numerable quantity symbolized by the arabic numerals 14
4. : the 14th in a set or series; especially : an article of clothing of the 14th size
 < wears a fourteen >




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