

单词 fracture
释义 frac·ture
I. \ˈfrakchə(r), -ksh-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin fractura, from fractus (past participle of frangere to break) + -ura -ure — more at break
 a. : the act or process of breaking or the state of being broken : rupture by a break through the entire thickness of a material : breach; specifically : the breaking of hard tissue (as a bone, tooth, or cartilage)
 b. : the rupture (as by tearing) of soft tissue
  < kidney fracture >
2. : the product or result of fracturing : break, crack, cleft
3. : the texture or general appearance of the freshly broken surface of a mineral
 < a rock with a conchoidal fracture >
4. : breaking 1
II. verb
(fractured ; fractured ; fracturing \-kchəriŋ, -ksh(ə)r-\ ; fractures)
transitive verb
 a. : to cause a fracture in : break
  < fracture a rib >
  < the bump in the road fractured a spring on the car >
 b. : rupture, tear, lacerate
  < a blow that fractured a kidney >
 a. : to damage or destroy as if by rupturing or tearing apart
  < fracture the newfound unity of the two parties >
  < may seriously fracture himself as he tries to patch up the rifts in the … party — Sidney Hyman >
 b. : to break into pieces : cause great disorder in
  < a scream that fractured the peace of the night >
  < conspiracy to fracture their sensibilities — Time >
 c. : to break up : fractionate
  < by fracturing and dispersing senatorial power — W.V.Shannon >
  < most world movements and agencies … have been fractured or assimilated by national interests in one way or another — Liston Pope >
 d. : to show disregard for (as a law or rule) : violate
  < declared the principle of the separation of church and state fractured by the agreement >
  < he fractured many of the laws of probability — Sheldon Cheney >
intransitive verb
: to undergo fracture : break especially through a total thickness
 < under the blow the thighbone fractured >




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