释义 |
fra·ter·nal I. \frəˈtərnəl, -ˈtə̄n-\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin fraternalis, from Latin fraternus (from frater) + -alis -al 1. a. : of, relating to, or involving brothers < trying to improve the fraternal relationship between the two boys even though their father did not care > b. : of, relating to, or being a fraternity or confederation < a fraternal order > < a fraternal chapter house > < a fraternal delegate to national meetings > c. : of, relating to, or being one of many men's or sometimes women's clubs or associations usually having secret rites, restricted membership, and religious, social, charitable, or professional purposes 2. of twins : derived from two ova : dizygotic 3. : friendly, brotherly < so we shall have fraternal nations … instead of warring, organized interests — H.J.Mackinder > • fra·ter·nal·ly \-əlē, -əli\ adverb II. noun (-s) 1. : a member of a fraternal order 2. : a society providing fraternal insurance |